SAP Program RFBKGLC1 - Reconciliation: Comparison - BCA Posting Totals with FI Posting Totals

With this report the posting totals for FI maintained in BCA forgeneral ledger transfer are compared with the FI documents existing onthe general ledger. This comparison is made for the posting totals in atime period, but not for the total balance on a key date.
The comparison takes place per bank area, posting date, general ledgeraccount, business area, currency and reconciliation key. Reconciliationkeys are used internally in BCA for the summarization of BCA postings.
With the set standard selection the system only selects posting totalsthat result from payment items in BCA and whose correspondingreconciliation key has the status 'Transferred'. There is acorresponding reconciliation BCA payment items/BCA posting totals forFI for these posting totals.
Posting totals from balance sheet preparation (divided into payables/receivables) and from interest accrual/deferral are not included asstandard, as no corresponding BCA payment items exist for this.
On the FI general ledger, those documents posted from BCA as part ofgeneral ledger transfer that meet the selection requirements areselected.

In the case of external FI, the FI system must be reachable via RFC.

The output of the +/- sign for amounts is the same as on the FI generalledger.

646449Differences with tax lines in reconciliation reports