SAP Program RFBKGL01 - Transfer Bank Current Accounts - FI General Ledger

With this report, the posting totals for FI, managed in BCA for generalledger transfer, are summarized into documents and posted in FI.
A principle distinction is made between transfer of postings from theoperational system and those from legacy datatransfer.
Posting totals selected include those resulting from payment items inBCA, balance sheet preparation (divided into payables/receivables),interest accrual/deferral, or individual value adjustment. Only thoseposting totals are included whose corresponding reconciliation key hasthe status 'Closed'.
There are two possible alternatives for posting the documents:

  • FI general ledger and BCA in the same SAP system

  • FI general ledger and BCA in different SAP systems

  • You can maintain these alternatives and the length of the customerinclude in the Implementation Guide in the sectioncross-bank area settings. For purposes ofreconciliation between BCA and FI, you need to define an own documenttype for documents posted from BCA. Define this in BCA with the generalledger variant.

    Internal FI
    In this case the documents can be posted directly in FI with thisreport.

    External FI
    For postings to an external FI you need to first maintain thecorresponding ALE and EDI settings for both partner systems.

    Using the radio buttons you can set whether postings from an operationalsystem or postings from legacy data transfer to the FI general ledgerare involved.
    The "to date" field has a different meaning in each case: During runningoperation, this date needs to be one day before the current paymenttransactions date. In this way you can be sure that all information istransferred to the general ledger at the end of end of day processing.
    If the documents are being transferred to the general ledger for legacydata transfer, this date is also the posting date for the posting on thegeneral ledger. This date must be the same as the go-live date of allaccounts summarized in the general ledger postings.

    No programs that update posting totals for the general ledger (interestaccrual/deferral, for example) are currently running.

    The output of the +/- signs for amounts is the same as on the FI generalledger.

    In an update run, event SAP_BKK_GLTRANSFER_JOB_END is triggered. Thisevent is not triggered in the following cases:

    • An error that prevents transfer to FI has occurred for at least one
    • reconciliation key.
      • In a test run

      • The value date is always transferred to FI; the field may not be readyfor input for the general ledger accounts posted to.