SAP Program RFBKCORR_BKKVRS - Correction Report for Available Balance Series

When you reverse or return payment items, you also need to reverse theutilization of the available balance series. Where payment items areimported into the system by external data transfer, it is not possibleto automatically reverse the utilization. This must be done manuallywith the help of this report. This report selects all notices from thespecified account. The field for the balance that currently has not beenutilized is ready for input. You can adapt the affected balance by usingthis field, and you can save the new amount.


  • Only accounts that have the Amount Notice feature are taken into
  • account.
    • When you confirm and save your entries, the system checks whether the
    • adjusted amount exceeds the notice amount.
      • When you confirm and save your entries, the system checks whether the
      • adjusted amount is negative.
        • When you save your entries, the available balance series is updated.