SAP Program RFBIFOCR - Print Balance Sheet on Form/Generate Form

This program enables you to automatically generate a balance sheet/P+Lform on which you can print the balance sheet/P+L statement after youhave created it.
The form is based on the following:

  • Source form

  • The format settings such as paragraphs, page formats and so on are
    copied into the target form.
    • Balance sheet/P+L structure

    • The balance sheet/P+L structure is the basis for the structure of theform. The financial statement keys defined in this structure are copiedinto the form to identify the different items in the balance sheet/P+Lstatement. The three-character prefix determines the part of the node(lines in the final group, reporting year total etc.) that isaddressed.
      Form Attributes:
      • Single/double column print

      • This attribute enables you to print the balance sheet/P+L in two-columnform, showing the assets and liabilities side by side or in a singlecolumn, where the assets/liabilities are printed out one after theother.
        • Text lines

        • If you select this field, the texts defined for the balance sheet/P+Lare also printed when you print the balance sheet/P+L. The form willthen contain the symbols for printing the opening, closing andsummation level group texts.
          • absolute difference

          • When the form is printed, the absolute difference is also printed
            • relative difference

            • When the form is printed, the relative difference is also printed
              • Summation level

              • When the form is printed, the appropriate summation level is printed
                You can change the automatically-generated form as you see fit. Whenyou create the balance sheet/P+L statement, you can use the modifiedform.
                To aid identification of certain items in the balance sheet/P+Lstatement, a combination of SAPScript text symbols are used. Theseconsist of a 3-character key that determines the actual position of anode in the structure, such as the control footing texts, for example,or the reporting year figures etc. The second part of the key consistsof a financial statement key of no more then 10 characters.
                1st part.
                [1-4]al:,,1.-4. initial group text lines
                [1-4]el:,,1.-4. final group text lines
                [1-4]sl:,,1.-4. summation group text lines
                erp:,,reporting year total,, ,,(reportingperiod)
                ecp:,,comparison year total,,(comparisonperiod)
                ead:,,Absolute difference between reporting year and
                ,,comparison year ,,(absolute difference)
                erd:,,Relative difference between reporting year and
                ,,comparison year,, ,,(relative difference)
                esl:,,Summation level,,(summation level)
                2nd part.
                The second part consists of a key with a maximum of 10 characters (e.g.AKTIVA) that is used in balance sheet/P+L statement structuredefinition.
                The following predefined text symbol can also be used:
                CURR:,, currency
                All fields from the following tables can also be used:
                T000:,,data from current client
                T001:,,data from current company code
                TGSBT:,,data from current business area
                e.g. T000-MTEXT :,, description of client
                T000-ORT01 :,, city
                T000-ADRNR :,, address
                You can use all the system symbols available in SAPScript.
                If you sue one of the standard forms that are delivered along with thesystem as the source form, a list of the available symbols isautomatically entered in comment form in the target form.

                You must use a valid balance sheet/P+L statement structure. Changes tothis structure are not automatically copied into the forms. If changeshave been made, you must rerun the program which generates these forms.

                The program generates a SAPscript form which you must then activate andpossibly even allocate to a development class.

                Examples of some symbols:
                1alAKTIVA :,, 1.line of initial group text from node AKTIVA
                3el0010230000 :,, 3.line of final group text from node 0010230000
                2sl0010230000 :,, 2.line of summation level text from node 0010230000
                erpxxxxxxxxxx :,, Reporting year total from node xxxxxxxxxx
                ecpPASSIVA :,, Comparison year total from node PASSIVA
                ead6011000 :,, absolute difference from node 6011000
                erd6011000 :,, relative difference from node 6011000
                esl0030400000 :,, summation level from node 0030400000