SAP Program RFBIDE10 - Transfer Customer Master Data from Source Company Code: Send

Using program RFBIDE10, you can transfer customer master recordsmaintained in a source company code to other target company codes.
From change date
Due to run-time considerations, the system cannot process everyselected customer in one run. For this reason, only the followingcustomers are selected:
in the case of direct transfers, only those customers whose companycode-dependent data for the source company code has been created orchanged since the last change date.
in the case of data written to a sequential file, only those customerswhose data has been changed or created since the last change date.
Data transfer options

  • Master data

  • The master data is transferred. If the customer does not yet exist inthe target company code, it will be created.
    • Blocking indicator

    • The blocking indicators are transferred to the customers in the targetcompany code.
      • Deletion flags

      • The deletion flags are transferred to the customers in the targetcompany code.
        Transfer method
        • Direct data transfer

        • This is the transfer method you will normally use. Enter the targetcompany codes. A batch input session is created with the name you haveentered. You can then run this session with the program for processingbatch input sessions.
          Those customers created or changed in the source company code areselected.
          Only company code-dependent data from the source company code istransferred.
          Note that the user executing the program has the batch administratorauthorization, since the program generates a subsequent job internally.
          • Writing data to a sequential file

          • You should only use this transfer method if you want to transfer thedata to external company codes. Enter the file name. The file createdby the program must now be imported to the external system and read bythe program for receiving data - RFBIDE20, which then uses this data tocreate a batch input session.
            Those customers whose general data or company code specific data wascreated or changed in the source company code are selected.
            Under this transfer method, in addition to the company code-dependentdata from the source company code, the general data per account,including bank details is also transferred.
            File name
            The file name that you enter is only the last part of the full filename. The structure of the full name is determined by the logical pathassigned to the logical file
            If you have any questions, please contact your system administrator.

            Only data from fields that are ready for input in the target companycode can be transferred. We therefore recommend that you keep the fieldcontrol the same for all company codes involved in the transferprocess.
            The following fields for company code data are not transferred:

            • Last interest calculation: CPU date

            • Last interest calculation: key date

            • Dunning data: dunning date

            • Dunning data: dunning level

            • Dunning data: legal dunning proceedings

            • The contents of the currency-dependent amount fields "Bill of exchangelimit" and "Export credit insurance: amount insured" are onlytransferred if the currency of the source company code is the same asthat of the target company code.

              The settings for the company codes involved in the copying processshould be identical. Make sure that in the case of external companycodes, the account groups created are the same as those for the sourcecompany code.

910857Incorrect characters (#) in batch input session
878369Batch input: Working with files in non-Unicode format
384462Master data and addresses