SAP Program RFBBBNR1 - Convert 8-Char. Company Number to International Location Number

Program RFBBBNR1 replaces the 8-character company number, standardthroughout Germany, with the international location number (which isbased on the company number) in the master records of all yourcustomers and vendors (see 'customer' and 'vendor' indicators). This isaccomplished by characters 8 to 12 (field BBSKZ in KNA1 or LFA1) beingfilled with zeroes and the new check digit that results from thisprocess being entered as the last character (field BUBKZ).
This replacement is not carried out for customers or vendors fromcountries with the following country IDs, since the fields involved areoften used for another purpose in these countries: B (Belgium), E(Spain), I (Italy), NL (Netherlands) or ZA (South Africa).

Program RFBBBNR1 should be run in the background or overnight, since itentails extensive run times.