SAP Program RF0KQST5 - Withholding tax report for Italy : Modello 770

This report has been devised specifically to manage record type H inmodello 770, reporting the activities A and B only. If any otheractivity type needs to be considered due to your specific businessrequirements, contact SAP Italia for further assistance.

The system validates if the file path entered by the user aligns withthe file system configurations authenticated for the report.
The file system configuration includes a logical file nameFI_RF0KQST5_FILE and logical file path FI_FQST_FILE_PATH,associated with the report. You should maintain the physical file paththat you need to use in this report, against the logical file pathFI_FQST_FILE_PATH using transaction FILE.
For further information on maintaining the physical file path, refer toDefining Logical Path and File Names.

402939Modelo 770 (Italy) modification for year 2001
653598RF0KQST5: Region of birth not stored in LFA1-GBORT
518061Modelo 770 year 2002 (Italy)
425794Fieldname missing in transmission file of modelo 770
303619Version of Modello 770 / 2000