SAP Program RE_CU_ANALYSIS - Analyze Operations in Task Lists

Analyze operations in the task list

This report allows you to analyze howoperations in aplant maintenance task list
are used in orders.
This report enables you to adjust your plan values to actual values,and optimize work scheduling. It tells you, for example, whichoperations are not used, and whether you over/underestimated duringoperation planning.

You can switch from the list output overview screen to the tasklist overview, if you click on the required task list. You can alsoswitch to the task list operation overview, if you click on therequired group counter.
You can switch from the detail screen with orders for aparticular operation to the order display, if you click on the order.

The percentage variance between actual and scheduled work is calculatedfor each operation. If this percentage exceeds the maximum specifiedvariance in the initial screen, a red light is displayed next to theoperation.
The percentage variance value between actual and scheduled work in theoverview screen is the average value of all orders in which aparticular operation occurs. In the detail screen this value isvalid for an operation in a particular order.