SAP Program RESDEDIMON - Monitor for Incoming Forecast/JIT Delivery Schedules

You can use the monitor to select and further process the inboundforecast and JIT delivery schedules.


Alongside the fields for the control record and the option ofrestricting the selection to forecast or JIT delivery schedules, youcan select the following fields from the data records for the IDoc:
Sold-to Party(E1EDKA1, Partner Role AG)
Ship-to Party(E1EDKA1, Partner Role WE)
Our Vendor Number(E1EDKA1, Partner Role LF)
Customer Plant (E1EDP10)
Unloading Point(E1EDP10)
Customer PO Number(E1EDK09)
Customer Material(E1EDP10)
You can use the traffic lights to further restrict the IDocs displayed.If you do not choose a status, that means, do not select a trafficlight, but have entered a Current Status on the tab pageStandard Selection, the system selects according to thisselection criterion. If you select the traffic lights and enter acurrent status, the system selects according to the traffic lights.
If the number of control records selected is larger than or equal tothe number entered in the parameter 'Max. No. of IDocs for InfoMessage', the system displays the total number of IDocs selected in adialog window and you can cancel the selection and enter furtherrestrictions.
You can jump from the selection screen into theMaintenance of Message Groups. You use the messagegroups to group together messages that occur during the posting of anIDoc and to select messages in the EDI inbound monitor.

The system displays a header line and item line for each IDoc selected.
Note: The fields displayed in the basic list do not have thesame length as those in the database. You can change the length of thefields to be as long or as short as your require.
Header line:
Fields that are always displayed:
Traffic Light
,,@0A@ Application document not posted (IDoc -Status 51)
,,@09@ IDoc ready to be transferred to application (IDoc-Status 64)
,,@08@ Application document posted (IDoc-Status 53)
,,@EB@ Special Status
IDoc Number
Stop Indicator or 'Recycle Bin'
,,@1D@ IDocs with EDI Stop Indicator
,,@11@ Logically Deleted IDocs (Status 68)
,,@0P@ If texts exist at header and/or item level
Tolerance Violation
,,@1V@ Tolerance Violation
Status Message
The system displays the last message for all IDocs for which notolerance violation was determined. Otherwise, the system displays thefirst message for a tolerance violation.
In addition, you can display all of the fields for the control record.
There are two links in the header line, that means, when you click onthe IDoc number (highlighted in color in the list), you jump to thedisplay of the texts and schedule lines for the IDoc. If there is textat the header or item level in the IDoc, you can click on the icon|@0P@ to branch into a list that displays the texts.
Item Line:
Fields that are always displayed:
Sales Document(from status record - a question mark isdisplayed if the system finds more than one puchasing document numberin the status records for IDocs with a different status to 53)
Purchase Order Number(E1EDK09)
Customer Material(E1EDP10)
Release Number New(E1EDP10)
Release Type(E1EDP10)
Sold-to Party(E1EDKA1, Partnerrolle AG)
Unloading Point(E1EDP10)
You can also display the following fields:
Vendor(E1EDKA1, Partner Role LF)
Ship-to Party(E1EDKA1, Partner Role WE)
Purchase Order Date(E1EDK09)
Your Reference(E1EDK09)
Account Assignment(E1EDK09)
Translator Status(E1EDK09)
Release Number Old(E1EDK09)
Delivery Schedule Date(E1EDK09)
Search Term Assortment(E1EDK09)
Additional Data Fields (Data 1 - Data 5)(E1EDK09)
Cumulative Quantity at Zero(E1EDK09)
Material Go-Ahead(E1EDK09)
Period Indicator for Material Go-Ahead (1 Day, 2 Week, 3 Month)
Production Go-Ahead(E1EDK09)
Period Indicator for Production Go-Ahead(E1EDK09)
EDI Product Short Text(E1EDP10)
Sales Unit(E1EDP10)
EDI Storage Location of Customer(E1EDP10)
Customer Point of Consumption(E1EDP10)
Last Delivery Note Number of Customer(E1EDP10)
Last Delivery Quantity(E1EDP10)
Quantity Received(E1EDP10)
Last Delivery Date(E1EDP10)
Delivery Status Key(E1EDP10)
Key for High Priority Stock(E1EDP10)
Date of JIT Horizon(E1EDP10)
Difference Between Cumulative Quantities(E1EDP10)
Current Cumulative Order Quantity(E1EDP10)
Receipt CQ(E1EDP10)
Design Revision Number(E1EDP10)
Engineering Change Number(E1EDP10)
Engineering Change Date(E1EDP10)
Production Go-Ahead End(E1EDP10)
Cumulative Production Go-Ahead Requirements(E1EDP10)
Material Go-Ahead End(E1EDP10)
FPSD Number(E1EDP10)
Key for Forecast Delivery Schedule (1- additional import logic, 2-replacement import logic) (E1EDP10)
Parts Status Key(E1EDP10)
Documentation Required for Inspection Results(E1EDP10)
Discontinuation Indicator(E1EDP10)
Delivery Schedule Valid from(E1EDP10)
Delivery Schedule Valid to(E1EDP10)
Figures Set to Zero on(E1EDP10)
ID for Dispatch/Arrival Time(E1EDP10)
Target CQ(E1EDP10)
Date of Target Cumulative Quantity(E1EDP10)
Vendor Material Number(E1EDP14)
Cumulative Material Go-Ahead Requirement(E1EDP10)
Item Number of the Underlying Purchase Order(E1EDP10)
Packing Type(E1EDP14)
Customer Number of Shipping Unit(E1EDP14)
Number of Shipping Units(E1EDP14)
Packing Type Key(E1EDP14)
Number of Products/Materials per Packaging(E1EDP14)
Schedule Line Type (1- Fixed Date, 2- Backlog, 3- Immediaterequirement, 4- Forecast, 9- JIT delivery schedule)(E1EDP16)
Delivery Note Date(E1EDP36)
Delivery Note Time(E1EDP36)
Order Unit(E1EDP36)
Time of Goods Receipt(E1EDP36)
Last Schedule Line Quantity Delivered - EDI(E1EDP36)
A further link is in the item line, that means, you can jump to theDisplay of the Scheduling Agreement with one click ifthe sales document number has been entered.

Functions for which only one line can be selected:
@16@ IDoc (jump to the IDoc List)
@3W@ Status (the system displays all statuses for the IDocselected)
@1D@ Stop (Bypass EDI stop)
Functions for which several lines can be selected:
@01@ Foreground (processing of IDoc/IDocs in foreground, onlypossible for statuses 51 and 69)
@01@ Background (processing of IDoc/IDocs, only possible forstatuses 51, 64 and 69)
Foreground after Error (only an option in the Goto menu, onlypossible for statuses 51 and 69)
@11@ Delete (Delete IDoc logically)
In addition, you can display the legend (meaning of buttons/icons). Theicon |@0S@ show the number of header and item lines selected and theicon |@42@ gives you the option of displaying the list with the latestdata. If you choose the IMG button, you jumpt to either the maintenancescreen Assign Sold-to Party for Release Orders or DefineSpecial Features for Scheduling Agreement .