SAP Program RERP_EHP_SHOW_FORM_LIST - Overview of forms introduced with EhP4

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With this report you can get an overview of all PDF-based formsavailable from SAP Enhancement Package 4 for ERP 6.0.
For each software component and application version, this reports tellsyou which new PDF-based forms you can use for each business area.

The output list of this report delivers all PDF-based forms in thesoftware component versions that you have installed. Therefore, you mustfirst install the software component versions so that the report candisplay the PDF-based forms contained therein.

Most PDF-based forms are active immediately if you have activated therequired business area. You can activate the business area in the IMGactivity Activate PDF-Based Forms.
For other PDF-based forms, you have to postprocess them in order toprovide them to the respective business processes. The report enablesyou to navigate directly to any related IMG activities or furthertransactions to process the forms.