SAP Program REP_MPLA_FABKL - Repair Report for Configuring Factory Calendar into Maintenance Plan

You can use this report to maintain a factory calendar in a maintenanceplan with the scheduling indicator

  • Time - based on key data or

  • Time - factory calendar
  • Activities
    In the report you define the maintenance plans for which the factorycalendar should be maintained.
    You have to decide from which object the factory calendar should betaken:

    • Set the parameter "strategy used in the plan", if the factory calendar
    • maintained in the strategy should be used in the maintenance plan (thisnaturally only works for strategy-based maintenance plans).
      • fet the parameter "maintenance plant used in the plan", if the factory
      • calendar maintained in a maintainance plant (at maintenance item level)should be copied to the maintenance plan. If several items are bundledin one plan, then the maintenance plant of the first item is used.
        • Enter a factory calendar of your choice in the field "or factory
        • calendar directly", if this should be copied to the maintenance plan.
          The valency of these options amongst each other is as follows:
          First, the program tries to determine the factory calendar using thestrategy ("strategy used in the plan" parameter is set). If this is notpossible, then the program tries to determine a factory calendar usingthe maintenance plant ("maintenance plant used in the plan" parameter).If this is not possible either, then the freely-definable factorycalendar (if it is maintained) is used in the maintenance plan .