SAP Program REPDAR_READ_ARCHIVE_LINES - Display print document line item archive

Display print document line item archive

This report allows you to gain read access to an archive immediatelyafter the archiving report REPDAR_ARCH_LINES has run and to displaysome of the data in a list.
You do not have to run the deletion program beforehand.
The following data is displayed:

  • PRINTDOC:,,Print document number

  • LINE1:,,,,Line number in print document

  • COCD:,,,,Company code

  • CONTRCT:,,Contract

  • DIVSN:,,,,Division

  • DOCDT:,,,,Document date of print document(*)

  • PODAT:,,,,Posting date of print document(*)

  • BILLDOC:,,Billing document number(**)

  • LINE2:,,,,Line number in billing document(**)

  • DBERDZ:,,,,X --> Data is from DBERDZ table

  • DBERDL:,,,,X --> Data is from DBERDL table

  • DBERDLB:,,X --> Data is from DBERDLB table
  • Integration


    • First step in archiving print document headers: analyzing printdocument headers with a view to possibly archiving the print documentline items.

      • Second step: archiving the print document line items selected in thefirst step.

        • Third step: deleting the print document headers in the database on thebasis of the previously created archive.
          • REPDAR_REL_LINES

          • Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual documents. You have toreload the entire archiving run. This procedure should not normally beused and should be limited to extreme problem cases (for example,incorrect retention period in Customizing).
            (*): only displayed if a line from the DBERDZ or DBERDL tables was
            (**): only displayed if a line from the DBERDLB table was archived