SAP Program REPAIR_DOCU2 - Self-Explanatory Indicator: Consistency Between T100 / T100U / DOKIL

This report is used to restore the consistency between DOKIL, T100 andT100U tables regarding self-explanatory flag for objects belonging todocumentation class 'Message' ('NA').
This reports also allows the comparison of the table entries between twosystems. The system used for starting the actual report will also becalled the 'current system'. The second system used as source, will benamed 'reference system' in the further description.

The synchronization with a reference system is only possible, if thebasis release of the reference system is 640 (or higher).
If the comparison with a reference system is required, you shouldclarify the following steps with the responsible system administrators:
The RFC destination pointing to the reference system must be created intransaction SM59 of the current system. The name of the RFC destinationneeds to be provided at the selection screen of the report.
As user for establishing the RFC connection between the systems 2options would be possible:
Provide a specific dialog user within the RFC destination. Effect: Ifthe report is started with this RFC destination, always the same user istaken for the building up the connection.
Select the option 'Current user' within the RFC destination. Effect: Theuser starting the report in the current system is taken for establishingthe connection to the reference system.
Attention: For both options, the corresponding user must exist inthe reference system to allow the comparison of the table entries.
Check that the function module 'INFO_DOKIL_T100U' exists in thereference system.
If report should be started in the 'change' mode, the transport requestmust be valid for the selected packages / message classes:
The user starting the report in the current system must have anunreleased task in this transport request.
The selected package(s) / message class(es) must lay in the sametransport layer as the selected transport request.
The current system and all the target systems of the transport requestmust have at least the R3Trans version from January 5th 2006 (or newer)to avoid the problems during transport of docu objects.

This report processes only the cases (processing types) described at thebeginning of the output list (general text 'T100U_DOKIL').

Below you can find information about the selection options of thisreport.
Subscreen "Search parameters"
To reduce the runtime and the usage of the system resources, it'srecommended to limit the amount of Repository objects via entering thepackage name or message class. If there is a mismatch between theselected package(s) and the transport request (transport layer), theaffected message classes will be not processed by the report.

  • Package

  • The system allows the usage of symbol '*' as placeholder.
    • Application Area

    • The system allows the usage of symbol '*' as placeholder in thename of the message class.
      Subscreen "Processing options"
      • Transport request / task

      • This field can remain empty for the display / test mode ('T') of thereport.
        In the change / edit mode an entry is mandatory for this field. If thethe report is started and the field is still empty, a popup forselecting a transport request appears automatically. The selectedrequest must be valid for selected package(s) / message class(es),otherwise the process will be stopped or invalid package(s) / messageclass(es) will be excluded from processing.
        • RFC Destination

        • This field must be filled, if the synchronization with a referencesystem is required.
          • Display / Change mode

          • Symbol 'T' (default) means display / test mode. No changes to thecontent of the tables DOKIL / T100 / T100U are performed. Only a resultslist sorted by processing types is generated.
            All other values (including no entry at all) for this field will startthe report in change / edit mode. This means that table entries can benewly created / modified.
            • Synchronisation

            • The field should be marked, if the content of the tables DOKIL / T100 /T100U needs to be synchronized within the current system.

              As result, this report generates a list with several sections. Thecontent of these depends on the mode (display / change), the report hadbeen started with.
              In both modes, the first section of the results list, contains all thepossible processing types of the report, the reasons and the recommendedfollow up actions.

              • Display / test mode:

              • The next section contains the objects, which would be processedautomatically by the report, if started in 'Change' mode.
                Afterwards, the section with cases, which would require manualprocessing, is displayed. This section can also contain a list ofobjects with inconsistencies between the tables T100 and T100U.
                • Change / edit mode:

                • The next section contains the list of all objects, which could beprocessed automatically by this run of the report.
                  Afterwards the list of objects appears, which had been adjustedcorrectly on database level and inserted to a transport request.
                  The last section contains the problem cases, sorted by processing type.The description of the processing type is given at the beginning of theresults list. The required manual activities should be definedindividually by a docu-developer / user starting the report.
                  Objects with processing type 0 (no synchronization is required) are notdisplayed in the output list.
                  Objects with processing type 40 (table entries are consistent for theDocumentation Tool) could maybe processed automatically by the report,if a correct reference system is provided. If they still remain in thelist of objects to be processed manually, the docu-developer needs todecide about the next actions.
                  The processing type 35 can help to find the docu objects withdocumentation class 'Message' without an entry in the table DOKIL with'X' in the field 'MASTERLANG'.
                  Possible values for self-explanatory flag:
                  • Empty, no value in table DOKIL:

                  • The documentation exists.
                    • Empty, no value in table T100U:

                    • 3 possible meanings:
                      The documentation exists.
                      The documentation does not exist.
                      The synchronization is not done yet.
                      • 1:

                      • The repository object does not appear on the screen.
                        • 2:

                        • The repository object will be documented later.
                          • 3:

                          • The repository object is described by its short text (no documentationis required).

                            If no reference system is provided, this report synchronizes the contentof tables T100 / T100U / DOKIL regarding the value of self-explanatoryflag, based only on information from the current system. Thesynchronization can include the recreation of entries in the tablesDOKIL and T100U.
                            If a reference system is provided, this report tries to define thecases, which can be automatically processed, based on informationreceived from tables of the reference and the current system. If thevalues are different (e.g. documentation exists in reference system, buta repository object is declared as not required documentation in thecurrent system), the report performs no further automatical actions. Thedocu-developer / user has to decide (according to the results list)which actions should be performed to receive again a consistent state.For example: transport the object from the reference system, declare itis as self-explanatory in corresponding system, recreate the object fromscratch.