SAP Program RELDELEB - Deactivation of MR Results Estimated in Billing for Individ. Install.


Deactivation of Meter Reading Results Estimated in Billing forIndividual Installation

The Estimate Meter Reading Results in Billingfunction is active. Meter reading results are entered on the periodicbilling date, on which the meter reading results are to be estimated. Ifdynamic backbilling is required, you can deactivate the EstimateMeter Reading Results in Billing function using this report.
If multiple registers are involved, an internal preparation is carriedout for all registers that have not been prepared or entered. Thisgenerates all meter reading orders that are still missing.


This report only changes billing data records for which the Est. inBill. field contains one of the following values:

  • 01 (Billing estimates: value from MR Unit)

  • 02 (Billing estimates: value changed by mass report)

  • 03 (Billing estimates: value changed by individual report

  • )
    The report generates all missing meter reading orders and automaticallyenters the value 04 (Billing does not estimate: value deletedby individual report) in the Est. in Bill. field.