SAP Program RELARCH_ANALYSE_EABL - Analyze installation meter reading results for archiving

Analyze archivability of meter reading results (RELARCH_ANALYSE_EABL)

This report implements the first step in the process for archiving meterreading results. It is the analysis of meter reading results forpotential archiving.


  • Second step: Archive meter reading results (

    • Third step: Delete meter reading results from database (

      • Reload archived meter reading results (

        • Display meter reading results archive (



          The process for analyzing the archivability of meter reading results isas follows:
          Installation selection
          You must first of all restrict the archiving quantity. To do this, enteran installation whose associated meter reading results you want toarchive.
          Determination of the final date for archiving
          To define the retention period
          in days for different documents in the system, choose the followingin Customizing Tools -> Archiving -> Define Retention Period forArchiving Objects. The final date is determined from this retentionperiod. This means that only documents that are older (that have been inthe system longer) than the retention period defined in Customizing canbe archived.
          To determine the final date for archiving meter reading results, theretention period of archiving object ISU_BILL is used.
          Determination of meter reading results
          All associated meter reading results up until this final date aredetermined for each installation.
          Determination and check of billing documents associated with these meterreading results
          Only those meter reading results may be archived that have already beenbilled and whose associated billing documents can no longer be reversed.Therefore, all associated billing documents are determined. The meterreading results whose associated billing document can no longer bereversed, can be archived.
          Writing a temporary index
          The meter reading document and date are written in index EABLARCHIVE forthe archivable meter reading results. This index is used as the basisfor archiving and is deleted again from the database after archiving hasbeen successfully completed.

          Index EABLARCHIVE (meter reading document number (key), meter readingdate)