SAP Program REKCOPA2_SETUP_EITCOPA - New Structure of Indexes for Copying Documents to CO-PA

A special report for subsequently transferring billing document data toCO-PA (only posting according to consumption months).

This report creates EITCOPA indexes for the subsequent transfer ofbilling document data to CO-PA (for example, for constructing anoperating concern). If necessary, the profitability segment PAOBJNR_Scan be determined again for the selected billing document line items.Report REKCOPA1 processes these indexes.

Normally, profitability segments are determined when the billingdocuments are created. The EITCOPA indexes that transfer documents toCO-PA according to consumption months are created for the CO-PA-relevantbilling documents when the billing documents are invoiced. The EITCOPAindexes are processed periodically using the report REKCOPA1. The reportREKCOPA2_SETUP_EITCOPA is not required during standard operation.
Report REKCOPA2_SETUP_EITCOPA can and must only be used in specialprojects that include the following scenarios:

  • Profitability analysis is activated after IS-U Billing/Invoicing.
  • However, you want to post existing billing document data to CO-PA(according to consumption months) after this.
    • You have added extra characteristics to your operating concern, or
    • changed the Customizing settings for updating statistical groups. As aresult, you want to determine profitability segments again and thenstart a CO-PA transfer.

      Note that when you use this report, it does not check the data that hasalready been transferred to CO-PA. When you transfer billing documentdata belatedly to CO-PA, you must make sure that it is not transferredmore than once.
