SAP Program REIDE_SWITCHDOC_ARCH - IS-U Archiving: Analyze/Archive Switch Documents

This report is the first step in the process of archiving switchdocuments. It includes the following steps:
Analyze of switch documents with regard to possible archiving
Write switch documents to an archive file based on the analysis carriedout in the first step.
The archiving object includes the following switch document data:

  • EIDESWTDOC ,,(Switch Document Header)

  • EIDESWTDOCSTEP ,,(Switch Document Step)

  • EIDESWTMSGDATA ,,(Message Data for Switch Document)

  • EIDESWTMSGDATACO ,,(Comment in Message Data for Switch Document)

  • EIDESWTDOCATTR ,,(Attribute for activity)

  • EIDESWTDOCREF ,,(Switch Document Reference)

  • The archiving object for archiving switch documents is ISU_SWTDOC
    With the archiving report, the following switch documents are selectedas standard:
    • Switch documents with a status that is not Active

    • Switch documents with a retention period that has expired (the
    • retentionperiod refers to the date of the last change to the switchdocument)
      You can further restrict the selection by entering an area for theswitch document number and the switch document status. It is importantthat you enter all the zeros in the switch document number.
      You define the retention period in Customizing underDefine Retention Period for Archiving Objects
      You can use BAdI ISU_IDE_SWT_ARCHIVE todefine further checks regarding the archivability of switch documents.For more information, read the BAdI documentation. BAdI.

      When you start the report, you can enter the following data on theinitial screen:

      • Switch document number: Restrict data to be analyzed to specific
      • switch document numbers (enter all the zeros)
        • Switch document status: Restrict data to be analyzed to a
        • specific status (all statuses except Active are permitted).
          • Test run: Start the report as a test run. This means that no
          • changes are made to the database.
            • Productive run: Start the report as a productive run. This means
            • that changes are made to the database.
              • Detail log: Display the detail log with detailed data on each
              • analyzed data record (can be complex if there is a large amount ofdata).
                • Comment for archive run: Enter an individual comment for an
                • archive run.