SAP Program REHS_MP_MJVA_IMPORT - EHS: Measurement Management - Import of Measured Values

With this report program you can import measurements and measured valuesfrom an external system or application into the measurementmanagement (EHS-IHS-MEM) component. The import covers the followingphases:

  • The import of the data into the SAP system

  • Reading the data from the pool tables CCIHT_MJIMPORT and CCIHT_MJVAIMP

  • In these tables, measurements and measured values are buffered for whicherrors occurred during data matchup.
    • Matchup of the imported data and the data from the pool tables with the
    • existing data in measurement management.

      To import the data into the SAP system, the report program calls themethod MJ_IMPORT ofthe Import of Measured Values BAdI. In thestandard system, the default coding for this method is supplied empty.To use the import function, you must therefore first create animplementation for the method and activate it.
      Note that you must specify the respective measurement number (MJID),both for the measurements to be imported and for the measured values.Otherwise the import will fail.
      The following fields must be filled for the measured values:

      • Agent type (EPTYPE)

      • Agent (EPID)

      • Original analysis value (HQVALORIGINAL)

      • The analysis value is converted to the internal format and transferredto the measured value field. If the value is not numerical, noconversion and no transfer takes place. The value is transferred to thesystem as it is.
        • Unit of measurement of analysis value (UNITORIGINAL)

        • The unit of measurement is converted to the internal format andtransferred to the unit of measurement of measured value field. If theunit of measurement cannot be read or does not exist, the unit ofmeasurement is not transferred to the system.

          Following import into the SAP system, the function moduleCBIH_LB61_MP_ALL_READ reads all measurements and measured values thatexist for the imported data and for the data from the pool tables at thecurrent time in measurement management. The existing data is thenmatched up with the imported data as follows:

          • Imported measurements that do not exist in measurement management
          • are not taken into account for further processing. The dependentmeasured values are also not taken into account.
            • If data from the pool tables was changed in the application in the time
            • between the last import run and the current run, the corresponding entryis deleted from the pool table and not taken into account for thecurrent import.
              • Measurements and measured values for which data was imported are
              • updated. If an imported measured value is not yet available inmeasurement management, it is created as a new value.
                • If errors occur when updating measurements and measured values or when
                • creating measured values, the corresponding data is buffered in therespective pool table for measurements (CCIHT_MJIMPORT) or measuredvalues (CCIHT_MJVAIMP).
                  • If data from the pool tables could be imported successfully in the
                  • current import run, the corresponding entries are deleted from the pooltables.

                    No selection parameters are necessary.

                    No list is output.

                    Execute the report program or schedule it when you want to importmeasurements and measured values into your SAP system.