SAP Program REHS_MP_CONTROL - List Monitoring Dates

With this report program you can track dates for control measurements inmeasurement projects. You can determine overdue dates or dates that liein the future.


The program evaluates the Next Sampling field. This field isfilled on the Close tab page for the work area in which thesample was taken.
To determine the due dates, specify the number of months for which theprogram is to evaluate dates in the future.
To determine the overdue dates, specify the period for which the programis to evaluate dates in the past.

The results list contains the following information:

  • Due or overdue date

  • Site

  • Building

  • Work area

  • Measurement project type

  • For selected entries, you can navigate to the Measurement Management hit list using the display details function.

    This report can only determine missed deadlines if the followingprerequisites are fulfilled:

    • The measurement project must be released.

    • In the assigned work area for the measurement project, a date for the
    • next check must be entered on the 'Close' tab page.
      • The work areas used for 'Operation' and 'Work Area' in the measurement
      • project must be assigned to the relevant level in Customizing formeasurement projects.

        You can use environment parameter IHS_MP_CONTROL_TYPE to excludemeasurement projects with the measurement project type specified in thevalue of the environment parameter from the output.
        If you enter a space, all measurement project types are filtered out.