SAP Program REHSBLSLC - EHS-BAS: Copying Language-Dependent Customizing

Filling in Missing Language Texts in Language-Dependent CustomizingData

You can use this report to fill in the missing language-dependentCustomizing data for a language. The missing data is copied from thereplacement language English. The report is used to support the entryof language-dependent Customizing data. It does not, however, cover allIMG activities for EH&S. The entries must be checked and added to asrequired.



  • Target language

  • Language in which the missing data is to be added
    • Source language

    • English; the field is displayed only
      • EH&S components

      • Error if not 7-bit ASCII

      • Behavior for characters outside the 7-bit ASCII code (warning or error)
        • Replace non-7-bit ASCII

        • Characters outside the 7-bit ASCII code are converted to the numbersign (#).


          • Successfully copied tables

          • Faulty tables with the causes of errors

          • Warnings