SAP Program REEDMSETTLPROC_VV2_SYNTH_GRP - Program: Customer Group-Specific Synthetic Settlement Procedure

Report REEDMSETTLPROC_VV2_SYNTH_GRP implements the synthetic settlementprocedure. It is mainly the same as report REEDMSETTLPROC_VV2_SYNTH,except that settlement step SUMRES01SU is replaced by SUMRES08SU. Inaddition, a load profile (settlement parameter PrLoadSupGrp01) is madeavailable as a result parameter of the settlement run for eachsettlement unit and non-interval customer group. In contrast toREEDMSETTLPROC_VV2_SYNTH (where settlement parameter PrLoadSupGrp01 isonly an interim result), the result profile is filled with initialvalues for customers who have points of delivery that are not relevantfor settlement.