SAP Program REEDMFICALCULATE - Start Profile Calculation

Start Profile Calculation

This report analyzes the dependent formula allocations based on thecompressed calculation triggers, creates a hierarchy table, divides thecreated hierarchy entries into intervals and starts the parallelcalculation of the profiles.
The profile calculation is executed in the background on the specifiedservers as many times as the number of jobs you have selected perserver. This allows distribution to several application servers andprocesses per server in order to make optimum use of system performance.
The calculation run is locked for other users while it is taking place.If a calculation run has not been successfully completed, the lock isnot removed from the calculation run. When monitoring the calculation,you can remove the lock and restart the calculation run.
The calculation can also be carried out separately for formula groups.The prerequisite is that the calculation triggers of the formula groupsto be triggered are compressed. The locks are set with reference to theformula group.

As a prerequisite for the profile calculation, you must compress thecalculation trigger.


Formula Group
ID of Formula Group
Selection without Formula Group

Repeat calculation run

Interval calculation
In the interval calculation you can choose whether to enter theinterval size or the number ofintervals.

Job creation (Parallelization)
You must enter at least one batch server with the number of parallelprocesses.

Once the calculation is complete, you can display the calculation log.