SAP Program RECTHI01 - Aggregated Posting for Contract Accounts of Service Provider

Create Aggregated Posting for Contract Accounts of Service Provider

With this report you can create aggregated postings for the contractaccounts of the service provider. This is necessary in deregulatedmarkets for the exchange of bill information between distributor andsupplier.
The appropriate Customizing or data modeling determines which printdocuments or other FI-CA documents to identify as relevant to aggregatedposting. A secondary table (Transfer Records for Bill Issuing by ThirdParty; DFKKTHI) is created for these documents and is the basis of thisreport.
Posting always occurs on the basis of a print document sent using reportREDISND1.
A document must have been sent before an aggregated posting can becreated. If you do not want to send a document, you can use a dummycommunication module.
The postings for each service provider are seperated, combined andcreated according to their due date.
You can use the selection date to select bill documents that are duebefore the specified date. If no selection date is specified, allexisting documents are selected for processing.
