SAP Program REBRVALRETIR - Monthly Discounted IRPJ for all Customers

This report is known as "Relação de Valores Retidos a Titulo de Impostode Renda". The layout of this report is not regulated by any law.
All IS-U Notas Fiscais with discount of withholding taxes that werepaid in the reference month, must be reported.
The IS-U Notas fiscais are reported based on the payment date of theinvoice. (At the creation of the invoice, the tax rate calculation isbased on the due date of the invoice).
The main use of this report is to identify the monthly withheld federaltaxes (IRPJ, CSLL, COFINS and PIS/PASEP) by consumer which are paid bythe company monthly.
Yearly, the withheld amount is used as a credit which is deducted fromthe tax amount the utility company has to pay .
The report is printed monthly just for conciliation purpose.

Maintainance of the following parameters in Selection Screen :
- Company Code (DFKKQSR-BUKRS)
- Posting Date (Month/Year) (DFKKQSR-BUDAT)
- Business Partner (DFKKQSR-GPART)
- Contract Account (DFKKQSR-VKONT)

1 - Selects Data from DFKKQSR according to Selection Screen Parameters(Payment Document)
Selects withholding tax data from cleared invoices within the periodinformed on selection screen
2 - Selects Data from DFKKOP for all entries selected from DFKKQSR
Selects original invoices data from cleared documents which wereselected previously from DFKKQSR
3 - Sorts Internal table by Clearing Document number (ascending) andLine Item cat withhold tax view (descending)
4 - Selects data from BUT000 (Business Partner Name)
Obtains Business Partner Name to be printed in report
5 - Prints report accordingly to fields described below
Reporting Data Explanation:
1 - The pages are numbered from 1 by 1
2 - Date of the reporting execution
3 - Posting Date Month/year - Informed in selection screen
4 - Customer Name
5 - Payment Date
6 - Invoice Date
7 - Nota Fiscal
8 - Invoice total amount
9 - Withheld Amount
10 - Base Total amount of the report
11 - Withholding Tax Total Amount of the report

In order to allow this report to access data efficiently, the followingdatabase indexes should be created:

  • For table DFKKQSR: Company Code, Business Partner, Contract Account,

  • Posting Date:
    • For table DFKKOP: Company Code, Clearing Document, Withholding Tax
    • Code, Withholding Tax Supplement