SAP Program REA_RTRANS_UPLOAD - Selective Rate Transort - Upload

This report uploads the following billing master data to the system:

  • Rate categories and rate category facts

  • Rate determination

  • Billing schemas

  • Rates and rate facts

  • Operands

  • Prices and discounts

  • The report reads the transport file into which the billing master datawas transported from the source system. It creates the master data inthe database, if it does not already exist in the target system, orupdates the data that already exists in the target system.
    This report can only be started in the same system and client in whichyou customize your billing master data.

    Note the following restrictions:

    • This report must only be executed by a system administrator.

    • The source and target systems must have the same IS-U and AOP level.

    • All the objects in the file to be transported are loaded to the
    • database. This means that the complete content of the tables is copiedfrom the source system to the target system. You cannot, for example,transfer individual operands to the database.

      Example 1

      • The file contains rates TA and TB.

      • The target system contains the rates TA and TZ before the transport.

      • After the upload, the target system has the updated rate TA, the newrate TB and the unchanged rate TZ.
        If you execute a division transport, a deletion action can take place.You must select this action during the download to the source system.All master data in a specific division and billing class in the targetsystem is deleted. The new master data is then created.
        Some operands that you have selected for deletion can be used in morethan one billing class. If you only want to delete master data forcertain billing classes but the operands to be deleted can still be usedin other billing classes, the operands cannot be deleted.
        A division transport only makes sense if you develop billing masterdata in the source system and transport it to the dependent targetsystems.

        Example 2

        • The file contains rates TA and TB.

        • The target system contains the rates TA and TZ before the transport.

        • After the upload with the division deletion function, the target systemcontains the rates TA and TB.
          After master data has been updated or the update has been simulated, thesystem automatically executes a consistency check for all billing masterdata. If any inconsistent objects are found, the update is reset using arollback work. After this, you can:
          • Cancel the update. No data is lost.

          • Force the update. The update could cause an inconsistent and
          • irreversible status in the target system.
            It only makes sense to transport master data between systems that havethe same Customizing environment for billing master data. This appliesto the following data:
            • Currency codes

            • Units of measurement

            • Allocate divisions to division categories

            • Meter reading groups

            • Validation classes

            • Independent validations

            • Dependent validations

            • Weighting key(s)

            • Billing classes

            • Rate types

            • Price classes

            • Price levels

            • Price adjustment clauses

            • Fact groups

            • Backbilling groups

            • Franchise fee groups

            • Outsorting check groups

            • Sort criteria for bill printout

            • Period control

            • Line item types

            • If you use individual variant programs,these must also exist in thetarget system. This applies to the control tables and the accompanyingfunction modules.
              The subtransactions that youuse in the rate steps must also exist inthe target system. Above all, the combinations of debit and creditsubtransactions used in the rates of the source system must also bepermitted in the target system
              The change documents of the billing master data are not transported.
              After the transport, you can use the reportREA_BILL_CUSTOM_DATA_CHECKto check the consistency of thebilling master data.