SAP Program REA_MASS_SIM_EITR_COUNT - Statistics of Incompletely Processed Billing Documents

Statistics for Billing Documents Processed Incompletely

Unbilled revenue reporting along with the individual procedure,simulates contracts for the periods not yet billed. The amounts andquantities of the simulated billing documents are copied to CO-PA, theUIS, or BW. Together with the amounts and quantities of unsimulatedbilling documents, these values provide an estimated value for therevenues of the balance sheet period.
The system takes into the account the most recent unsimulated billingdocument to determine the period for which a contract is already billed.This takes place for all contracts. Simulation is then performed for theunbilled period.
This procedure is only correct if, at the start of unbilled revenuereporting, all billing documents have been completely processed. Billingdocuments that have not yet been invoiced or copied to CO-PA or the UIScan distort the result.

  • The balance sheet period is the year 2000.

  • At the start of year 2001 you perform unbilled revenue reporting.

  • You last billed contract 5000 for the period 11/01/1999 to 10/31/2000.
  • This document has not yet been copied to CO-PA.
    • At the start of unbilled revenue reporting, save the revenues of the
    • contracts actually billed in CO-PA for the year 2000. The revenues ofcontract 5000 are not included in this.
      • Perform mass billing. Contract 5000 is only simulated for the period
      • 11/01/2000 to 12/31/2000.
        • When mass simulation is complete, save the revenues of the simulated
        • documents in CO-PA and add them to the revenues of the unsimulateddocuments.
          The total sum only contains the revenues of the contract for the period11/01/2000 to 12/31/2000.
          To prevent this error or keep the number as low as possible, you mustprocess all billing documents completely at the start of unbilledrevenue reporting. This means that:
          • All outsorted billing documents must be checked and released or
          • reversed.
            • All outsorted print documents must be checked and released or completely
            • reversed.
              • All print documents must be copied statistically to CO-PA. To do this
              • use report REKCOPA1. If you perform unbilled revenuereporting using the data from the UIS, all print documents must becopied to the UIS. To do this, use the report REASTA01
                . If you use Business Information Warehouse, update the documents toBW.
                You must also complete period-end billing of contracts before the startof unbilled revenue reporting. If you use rate categories and thecorresponding Separate Period-End Billing field isselected, there can be billing orders with billingtransaction period-end billing. Period-end billings can result incontracts with monthly billing in the whole balance sheet period. Youmust have completed these before you perform unbilled revenue reporting.
                This report helps you to control the prerequisites. It contains thefollowing information:
                • Number of uninvoiced billing documents. This does not include simulated
                • billing documents.
                  • Number of print documents not yet statistically copied to CO-PA

                  • Number of print documents not yet copied to the UIS

                  • Number of log records for the update to BW per reconciliation key and
                  • individual document
                    • Number of billing orders per billing transaction
                    • Features