SAP Program REA_EVER_ARCHIVE - Archive Utility Contracts

Archive Contracts

Archiving consists of the following two steps:
Analysis and test of archivability of contracts
Writing of contracts to an archive file, based on the analysis executedin the first step
The Archive contracts report is the first step.
The archiving object comprises the following contract data:

  • EVER: IS-U Contract

  • EVERH: IS-U Contract History (reference values) - currently not
  • supported because replicated IS-U contracts are not archived
    The archiving object for contracts is ISU_EVER.
    Use transaction AOBJ to find the definition of the archiving object andthe corresponding Customizing settings.
    Use transaction SARA to find the archive administration and thecorresponding Customizing settings.
    Use transaction SARI to find the technical view for the archivedcontracts.

    The archiving of contracts incorporates the following reports:
    RESET N1
    Archiving Report
    The system analyzes contracts. Those documents that can be archived arewritten to the archive file.
    Deletion Reports
    Contracts in the archive file are deleted from the correspondingdatabase tables.

    The archiving report selects only contracts whose retention period hasexpired.
    You can define the retention period in Customizing, underDefine Retention Period for Archiving Objects
    (SAP Utilities -> Tools -> Archiving -> Define RetentionPeriod for Archiving Objects).
    You can use the ISU_EVER_ARCHIVE BAdI in asubsequent analysis process to define additional checks for thearchivability of contracts.
    Please note that if IS-U-CRM Sales Integration is active (that is, IS-Ucontracts are replicated to CRM), the replicated IS-U contracts cannotbe archived!
    Archivability Checks:
    Different kind of checks are performed before archiving a contract.These checks can be grouped by areas.

    • Retention period check. A contract is archived if:

    • The retention date set in Customizing is greater than the move-out dateand the customer was billed. For example, if the Retn. Per. fieldfor terminated contracts contains 30 days, then a contract can only bearchived if at least 30 days have passed since the move-out date and ifthe customer was billed.
      The reversed retention date is greater than the creation date of thecontract and the move-out date is set to initial date (that is, to0000).
      Note: The retention period for contracts set in Customizing should belarge enough so that productive settlement runs and supply scenarioanalyses are not affected by archiving.
      • Device management area checks. A contract is archived if:

      • There are no meter reading results for that contract
        There are no billing orders for the installation linked to that contract
        • Billing area checks. A contract is archived if:

        • There are no billing documents for that contract.
          The contract itself is not a master agreement.
          The contract is not used as a contract pattern for simulation purposes
          (view cluster VC_EASIM).
          There is no entry in index table ERCHARC with document's archivingstatus <> 5 (Document header has been archived).
          • Invoicing area checks. A contract is archived if:

          • There are no budget billing plans (of any kind) in the system thatdepend on this contract.
            There are no print documents in the system that refer to this contract.
            There is no tax relevant data in the system that refers to the contractand that have not been extracted yet.
            • FI-CA specific checks. A contract is archived if:

            • There are no FI-CA documents for that contract.
              There are no security deposits for that contract.
              There are no orders for that contract.
              There are no sample documents for that contract.
              For a contract to be archived, all the checks listed above should besatisfied.

              You can make the following settings when you start the report:

              • Contract: Restrict the selection to specific
              • contracts, or to a range of documents.
                • Test mode: No changes are made in the
                • database if you start the report in test mode.
                  • Production mode: Changes are made in the
                  • database.
                    • Detail log: Write detailed information to the
                    • log for each analyzed data record. On the report selection screen, theuser can choose to hide this information in the report by selectingNo Detail Log, or see only error messages by selectingWithout Success Message, if desired.
                      • Log output: Controls the way information
                      • appears on the screen.
                        • Archiving session note: Allows you to enter a
                        • comment about the archiving run.