SAP Program REAR_READ_ARCHIVE_BBP - Display budget billing plan archive

Display budget billing plan archive

This report allows you to gain read access to an archive immediatelyafter running the archive report REPDAR_ARCH_HEAD and to display someof the data in a list.
You do not have to run the deletion program beforehand.
The following data is displayed:

  • OIDOC:,,,, Budget billing plan number

  • CONTRACT:,, Contract

  • BPART:,,,, Business partner

  • CACNT:,,,, Contract account

  • STARTPERD:,, Start of the budget billing plan period

  • ENDPERIOD:,, End of the budget billing plan period

  • IDBBPPRO:,, Budget billing plan procedure

  • No. DFKKMOP:,, Number of associated DFKKMOP entries (*)

  • No. DFKKMOPW: Number of associated DFKKMOPW entries (*)

  • (*): always zero for statistical budget billing plan procedures



    • First step in archiving budget billing plans: analyzing budget billingplans with a view to possibly archiving them.

      • Second step: archiving the budget billing plans selected in the firststep.
        • REAR_DEL_BBP

        • Third step: deleting the budget billing plans in the database on thebasis of the previously created archive.
          • REAR_REL_BBP

          • Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual budget billing plans.You have to reload the entire archiving run.