SAP Program REAMIEM_EVENT_MONITORING - AMI Event Management: Event Selection

The AMI event monitor (transaction EAMIEVTMON01) allows you to monitorthe status of received events.
Events are displayed in a list and can be filtered by selection criteriasuch as event type, event severity, or the time period during which theevents were received.

For each event in the list, additional actions can be performed:

  • Additional details about an event, such as error messages issued during
  • event processing, can be displayed on a separate screen.
    • Documents created by a successfully processed event, for example a
    • service notification, can be displayed.
      • Events with status #New#, #Interrupted#, or #Error# can be manually
      • re-processed or cancelled.
        • For events with status #FEH# (Forward Error Handling), the corresponding
        • Post-Processing Order can be displayed in the
          Postprocessing Desktop.

          • The AMI log entries for the enterprise service communication
          • corresponding to the event can be displayed in the
            Monitor for AMI Communication.