SAP Program REAMIDISCRESCHEDULE - Reschedule Disconnection Orders

This report enables you to reschedule one or several disconnection orreconnection orders.

This report enables you to reschedule one or several disconnection orreconnection orders.
Rescheduling provides a new planned activity date
When you reschedule an order, you propose a new planned activitydate (a planned disconnection date or planned reconnection date).
Overview of rescheduling procedure
To reschedule disconnection or reconnection orders:

  • Provide the rescheduling data in the selection screen that appears when
  • you first access the report. More specifically, indicate the followinginformation:
    The types of orders you wish to reschedule (disconnection orders,reconnection orders or both)
    The criteria of the orders you wish to select for rescheduling
    The rescheduling details - the new planned activity dates and times ofthe selected orders
    • Choose the Execute button to process the activity immediately -
    • the activity results will be displayed in an ALV grid, indicating thesuccess or failure of each order selected.
      Alternatively you can choose the Schedule Job button to schedulea job for a future date and time.
      After you reschedule an order's planned activity date
      After you reschedule a disconnection or reconnection order, you shouldbe aware that there are different background processes that occur,depending on the nature of the order:
      • Orders where customer notification is required - agreed date set

      • After you reschedule an order, the system carries out the followingsteps:
        It cancels the original order
        It generates a new order with the same object to be disconnected
        It generates a new notification work item
        Next, a CRM agent needs to contact the customer again to determine thenew agreed date.
        • Orders where customer notification is required - agreed date not
        • set
          After you reschedule an order, the system updates the existing orderwith the new planned activity date. As a result, the notification startdate and notification due date is updated (since these dates aredependent on the planned activity date - See the Start Date Offsetand Due Date Offset fields in theDefine Processing Variants for DisconnectionDocuments Customizing activity).
          As always, a CRM agent needs to contact the customer to determine theagreed date.
          • Orders where customer notification is not required

          • After you reschedule an order, the system automatically sets the newagreed date to the new planned activity date, since notification is notrequired. After this, nothing else needs to be done.

            Disconnection order and reconnection order type
            Rescheduling is only permitted for the following types of orders:

            • Orders that are not canceled

            • Orders with the confirmation status 00 (To be confirmed)

            • Orders with the confirmation status 13 (Remote disconnection to be
            • requested)
              • Orders with the confirmation status 23 (Remote reconnection to be
              • requested)
                • Orders that do not have corresponding service orders or service
                • notifications
                  Customizing settings
                  You need to define the values of the following fields using theDefine Processing Variants for DisconnectionDocuments Customizing activity:
                  Rescheduling offset
                  The number of days before or after the planned activity date oragreed date by which a disconnection or reconnection can berescheduled.
                  • If customer notification is required and an agreed date has been set

                  • The system adds and subtracts the number of days specified by this fieldto the agreed date. The resulting dates are the latest andearliest dates on which an order can be rescheduled.
                    • If customer notification is required and an agreed date has not been
                    • set
                      The system adds and subtracts the number of days specified by this fieldto the planned activity date. The resulting dates are the latestand earliest dates on which an order can be rescheduled.
                      • If customer notification is not required

                      • The system adds and subtracts the number of days specified by this fieldto the planned activity date. The resulting dates are the latestand earliest dates on which an order can be rescheduled.

                        Rescheduling one or multiple orders
                        You select orders to reschedule by specifying their characteristics inthe selection screen. Depending on your specifications, the system willfind 0, 1 or multiple orders. For example, if you only specify plannedactivity date information in the selection screen, the system will findall orders that have the specified date.
                        If multiple orders are found with your selection criteria, the systemwill reschedule all of them.
                        If you are not sure of your selection settings, it is recommended thatyou first enable the Simulation run flag to preview the reschedulingresults without saving them.
                        Rescheduling to a specific date and time or rescheduling by anoffset number of days
                        When specifying a new planned activity date, you can indicate a specificdate and time to assign (which is applied to all selected orders).
                        Alternatively, you can enter a number of days by which the originalplanned activity date or agreed date should be shifted.

                        • If customer notification is required and an agreed date has been set

                        • The system applies the offset to the original agreed date.
                          • If customer notification is required and an agreed date has not been
                          • set
                            The system applies the offset to the original planned activity date
                            • If customer notification is not required

                            • The system applies the offset to the original planned activity date
                              Requirements of the new planned activity date
                              In order to successfully reschedule an order, the new planned activitydate must meet the following criteria:
                              • It must fall after the current date.

                              • It must fall within the dates defined by the rescheduling offset.

                              • For orders that require customer notification, it must be such that the
                              • new notification work item start date (calculated by way of thestart date offset - defined in theDefine Processing Variants for DisconnectionDocuments Customizing activity) falls on or after the current date.
                                Display of rescheduling results
                                Once you specify the rescheduling information and execute the report,the system displays the results of the rescheduling request, in the formof an ALV grid.
                                Each row of the ALV grid represents a reconnection or disconnectionorder that was selected for rescheduling based on the search criteriayou specified in the selection screen.
                                The results grid is not displayed if you schedule a background job;however you can access a job log (choose System, Own Jobs fromthe SAP Easy Access screen menu bar) to view the rescheduling results.
                                Key fields of the ALV grid (some fields might be hidden by default)

                                • Header

                                • Indicates how many orders were selected for rescheduling, how manyorders were successfully rescheduled, and how many orders were notrescheduled
                                  • Rescheduling status

                                  • Indicates the rescheduling status of the corresponding order:
                                    Red: Unsuccessful
                                    Green: Successful
                                    • Disconnection/Reconnection rescheduling status code

                                    • Provides more information regarding the reasons why a rescheduling mighthave failed; select the cell in the grid and press F4 to display a listof codes and their corresponding description.
                                      • Original planned activity date and time

                                      • New planned activity date and time

                                      • Original agreed date and time

                                      • New agreed date and time

                                      • A new agreed date and time is only displayed if the corresponding orderdoes not require customer notification - this is because the agreed dateis automatically set to the planned date.
                                        In cases where the corresponding order does require customernotification, this field will be blank, as a CRM agent will need tocontact the customer to obtain an agreed date.

                                        When you first access the report, the system displays a selectionscreen. Here you can:

                                        • Define the criteria for the types of orders you wish to reschedule

                                        • Specify the rescheduling details

                                        • Important
                                          Normally, when you select from multiple fields, the system searches fororders that have all of the criteria that you specify.
                                          However, when making selections within the Reference Objectssection, the system searches for orders that are associated with any ofthe reference objects that you specify.
                                          Example 1
                                          You specify the following information in the selection screen:
                                          • Order category: Disconnection orders

                                          • Planned activity date: January 10

                                          • Order status: 00 (To be confirmed)

                                          • Reference Object: Installation ABC

                                          • In this case, the system will reschedule all disconnection orders thathave a planned activity date of January 10 and an Orderstatus of 00 and are associated with Installation ABC.
                                            Example 2
                                            You specify the following information in the selection screen:
                                            • Order category: Disconnection orders

                                            • Planned activity date: January 10

                                            • Order status: 00 (To be confirmed)

                                            • Reference Object: Installations ABC and BCD

                                            • Reference Object: Device 01 and 03

                                            • In this case, the system will reschedule the following types of orders:
                                              • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                              • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Installation ABC
                                                • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                                • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Installation BCD
                                                  • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                                  • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Device 01
                                                    • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                                    • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Device 03
                                                      Sections of the selection screen
                                                      • Order category

                                                      • Allows you to specify whether you wish to reschedule disconnectionorders, reconnection orders or both.
                                                        • Notification Process Selection

                                                        • Allows you to specify whether you wish to reschedule orders withoutnotification work items, orders with notification work items, or both.
                                                          Furthermore, if you choose to reschedule orders with notification workitems, you need to specify whether you wish to reschedule orders with anagreed date (Agreed orders) or orders where an agreed date hasnot been set (Not agreed orders).
                                                          • Scheduling data

                                                          • Allows you to indicate how to reschedule the selected orders:
                                                            You can indicate a specific planned activity date and time for allselected orders
                                                            You can indicate an offset (positive or negative) by which the originalplanned activity dates and times of selected orders will be shifted.Note that the new planned activity date is not calculated based on thecurrent date but based on its original planned activity date or originalagreed date (see the Features section for more details).
                                                            • Technical settings

                                                            • Allows you to specify the maximum number of orders that will beselected. For example, if you indicate a value of 50 and the systemactually finds 80 orders based on your selection criteria, only thefirst 50 orders will be selected for rescheduling.
                                                              You can also specify whether the rescheduling activity will besimulated. When specified, you will see the results of the reschedulingactivity, but the associated orders will not actually be modified withthe new information.
                                                              • Disc./Recon. Data

                                                              • Allows you to specify the disconnection or reconnection criteria oforders you wish to reschedule. For example, if you wish to rescheduleall orders with a planned activity date between December 23 and January5, you would enter these two dates in the Planned activity datefields.
                                                                • Reference Objects

                                                                • Allows you to specify the reference object to which the order isassociated.
                                                                  When you create a new disconnection or reconnection order, you arerequired to specify a reference object to which it will be associated.For example, if you wish to disconnect all the devices of a singleinstallation, you can associate the disconnection order with theinstallation, instead of each individual device.
                                                                  In this screen, if you search for the disconnection order usingreference objects as search criteria, the order will only be selected ifyou provide the correct reference object information. In the exampleabove, the order will only be found if you specify the installation; itwill not be found if you specify one of the corresponding devices (eventhough they are part of the installation).
                                                                  You have an installation, AB, which is associated with devices ABC, DEF,and GHI.
                                                                  You create a disconnection order and associate it with the installation.In this case, devices ABC, DEF and GHI will all be disconnected.
                                                                  You run this report to reschedule the planned disconnection date.
                                                                  Scenario 1
                                                                  In the selection screen, you specify ABC, DEF and GHI in the Devicefield.
                                                                  Result: The system does not locate the order.
                                                                  Scenario 2
                                                                  In the selection screen, you specify AB in the Installationfield.
                                                                  Result: The system locates the order and displays the monitoring data.
                                                                  If you choose to exclude a reference object from the selection process,the orders associated with the non-excluded reference objects will beselected (expected behavior).
                                                                  However, the system will continue to ignore the other reference objecttypes.
                                                                  You have orders associated with the Premise, Installation andDevice reference objects.
                                                                  Orders 1 to 10 are associated with premise A to J (one order for eachpremise)
                                                                  Orders 11 to 20 are associated with installation AA to JJ (one order foreach installation)
                                                                  Orders 21 to 30 are associated with device AAA to JJJ (one order foreach device)
                                                                  In the selection screen, on the Installation line, you specify!= EE (that is, not equal to EE)and you choose the Executebutton.
                                                                  As a result, the report will reschedule orders 11 to 14 and orders 16 to20 - all of the orders that are associated with installations. All otherorders, associated with other reference objects will not be selected.
                                                                  • Regional Selection

                                                                  • Allows you to specify regional criteria. Choose the RegionalSelection button and specify the regional data associated with theorders you wish to select.
                                                                    Executing the report
                                                                    Once you have specified your selection criteria, you are ready to runthe report:
                                                                    • Choose the Execute button to run the report right away

                                                                    • Choose the Schedule Job button to schedule a future date and time
                                                                    • for the rescheduling process
                                                                      Note: You need to save your selection settings (as a variant)first.
                                                                      • You can also choose the Number or Entries button to see how many
                                                                      • orders will be selected using the current selection criteria that youhave specified, without running the rescheduling process.
                                                                        Saving your selection settings
                                                                        If required, you can save the specific selection settings you define inthis screen. In fact, if you wish to define a future rescheduling job(by choosing the Schedule Job button), you need to have savedyour settings first.
                                                                        Saved settings are called variants.
                                                                        To save your selection settings, choose the Save button, at thetop of the application window.
                                                                        Loading a saved variant
                                                                        To load a saved variant, choose the Get Variant button andspecify the variant whose settings you wish to load.

                                                                        Before you begin - Assumed dates and settings
                                                                        This example assumes the following settings in theDefine Processing Variants for DisconnectionDocuments Customizing activity.

                                                                        • Rescheduling offset: 10 days

                                                                        • Start date offset: 20 days

                                                                        • Maximum notification offset: 50 days

                                                                        • This example also assumes the current date is June 1.
                                                                          Example 1: Order with a service order
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: It is not possible to reschedule disconnection or reconnectionorders that have associated service orders. The order appears in the ALVgrid with the Disconnection/Reconnection Rescheduling Status Codefield set to 05.
                                                                          Example 2 - Order with no notification work item and no serviceorder:
                                                                          a. Original planned activity date: June 15, New planned activitydate: June 30
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Rescheduling Offset value (10 days) prevents the newplanned activity date from being later than June 25 (June 15 + 10 days).
                                                                          b. Original planned activity date: June 15; New planned activitydate: June 4
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Rescheduling Offset value (10 days) prevents the newplanned activity date from being earlier than June 5 (June 15 - 10days).
                                                                          c. Original planned activity date: June 15; New planned activitydate: May 20
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The new planned activity date is earlier than the current date(June 1).
                                                                          d. Original planned activity date: June 15; New planned activitydate: June 5
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling succeeds.
                                                                          Example 3 - Orders with notification work item (non-agreed) andno service order
                                                                          a. Original planned activity date: June 20; New planned activitydate: July 01
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Rescheduling Offset value (10 days) prevents the newplanned activity date from being later than June 30 (June 20 + 10 days).
                                                                          b. Original planned activity date: June 20; New planned activitydate: June 09
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Rescheduling Offset value (10 days) prevents the newplanned activity date from being earlier than June 10 (June 20 - 10days).
                                                                          c. Original planned activity date: June 20; New planned activitydate: June 19
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: Due to the value of the Start date offset (20 days) andbecause the notification start date must be equal to or greater than thecurrent date (June 1), the planned activity date must be June 21 (June 1+ 20 days) or later.
                                                                          d. Original planned activity date: June 20; New planned activitydate: July 25
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Maximum Notification Offset value (50 days) preventsthe new planned activity date from being later than July 21 (June 01 +50 days).
                                                                          e. Original planned activity date: June 20; New planned activitydate: June 25
                                                                          Result: Rescheduling succeeds.
                                                                          Example 4 - Orders with notification work item (agreed) and noservice order:
                                                                          In this situation, the previous order is canceled and a new one iscreated along with a new work item. When verifying if the new plannedactivity date meets the requirements set by the Customizing activityvalues, the system now refers to the original agreed date instead of theoriginal planned activity date.
                                                                          a. Original agreed date: June 23; New planned activity date: July 04

                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Rescheduling Offset value (10 days) prevents the newplanned activity date from being later than July 3 (June 23 + 10 days).
                                                                          b. Original agreed date: June 23; New planned activity date: June 12

                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Rescheduling Offset value (10 days) prevents the newplanned activity date from being earlier than June 13 (June 23 - 10days).
                                                                          c. Original agreed date: June 23; New planned activity date: June 20

                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: Due to the value of the Start date offset (20 days) andbecause the notification start date must be equal to or greater than thecurrent date (June 1), the planned activity date must be June 21 (June 1+ 20 days) or later.
                                                                          d. Original agreed date: June 23; New planned activity date: July 28

                                                                          Result: Rescheduling fails
                                                                          Details: The Maximum Notification Offset value (50 days) preventsthe agreed date from being later than July 21 (June 01 + 50 days).
                                                                          e. Original agreed date: June 23; New planned activity date: June 28

                                                                          Result: Rescheduling succeeds.