SAP Program REAMIDISCMONITOR - Monitor Disconnection Orders

Short text
This report allows you to search for disconnection and reconnectionorders, monitor their status and access all corresponding screensrelated to these orders (for example, reference object informationscreen, notification work item information screen).

This report allows you to search for disconnection and reconnectionorders, monitor their status and access all corresponding screensrelated to these orders (for example, reference object informationscreen, notification work item information screen).
Overview of monitoring procedure
To monitor disconnection or reconnection orders, follow the steps below:

  • In the selection screen that appears when you first access the report,
  • indicate the characteristics of the orders you wish to monitor. Morespecifically, indicate the following information:
    The types of orders you wish to monitor (disconnection orders,reconnection orders or both)
    The criteria of the orders you wish to select for monitoring
    • Choose the Execute button to process the activity - the activity
    • results will be displayed in an ALV grid.
      • Check the status of the orders or navigate to the corresponding
      • notification work item or reference object information screens asrequired.

        Monitoring one or multiple orders
        You select orders to monitor by specifying their characteristics in theselection screen. Depending on your specifications, the system will find0, 1 or multiple orders. For example, if you only specify plannedactivity date information in the selection screen, the system will findall orders that have the specified date.
        Display of monitoring data
        Once you specify the selection criteria and execute the report, thesystem displays the results of the request, in the form of an ALV grid.
        Each row of the ALV grid represents a reconnection or disconnectionorder that was selected based on the search criteria you specified inthe selection screen.
        Key fields of the ALV grid (some fields might be hidden by default)

        • Header

        • Indicates how many orders were selected for monitoring
          • Disconnection document number

          • Activity category

          • Indicates whether the entry corresponds to a disconnection order or areconnection order
            • Order status

            • Indicates the status of the order. A list of the various order statusesthat can be reported is found in the DefineConfirmation Status Customizing activity
              • Cancelled icon

              • Displays an icon if the corresponding order is cancelled
                • Disconnection reason

                • Displays the reason for the disconnection or reconnection
                  • Disconnection document status

                  • Displays the status of the disconnection document
                    • Reference object - Business Partner, Contract Account, Contract,
                    • Connection Object, Premise, Installation, Device
                      Displays the corresponding reference object associated with the order
                      Note that since an order can only be associated with one referenceobject, only one of these columns will contain data.
                      You can double-click on the entry to navigate to the correspondingobject information screen.
                      • Notification work item ID and icon

                      • Displays the ID of the corresponding notification work item
                        You can double-click on the icon to navigate to the correspondingnotification work item.
                        • Planned activity date and time

                        • Agreed date and time
                        • Selection
                          When you first access the report, the system displays a selectionscreen. Here you can define the criteria for the types of orders youwish to monitor
                          Normally, when you select from multiple fields, the system searches fororders that have all of the criteria that you specify. However,when making selections within the Reference Objects section, thesystem searches for orders that are associated with any of thereference objects that you specify.
                          Example 1
                          You specify the following information in the selection screen:

                          • Order category: Disconnection orders

                          • Planned activity date: January 10

                          • Order status: 00 (To be confirmed)

                          • Reference Object: Installation ABC

                          • In this case, the system will select all disconnection orders that havea planned activity date of January 10 and an Order statusof 00 and are associated with Installation ABC.
                            Example 2
                            You specify the following information in the selection screen:
                            • Order category: Disconnection orders

                            • Planned activity date: January 10

                            • Order status: 00 (To be confirmed)

                            • Reference Object: Installations ABC and BCD

                            • Reference Object: Device 01 and 03

                            • In this case, the system will select the following types of orders:
                              • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                              • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Installation ABC
                                • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Installation BCD
                                  • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                  • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Device 01
                                    • Disconnection orders that have a planned activity date of January 10
                                    • and an Order status of 00 and are associatedwith Device 03
                                      Sections of the selection screen
                                      • Order category

                                      • Allows you to specify whether you wish to monitor disconnection orders,reconnection orders or both
                                        • Date Selection

                                        • Allows you to specify the planned activity date and time or agreed dateand time of the orders you wish to monitor
                                          For example, if you wish to monitor all orders with a planned activitydate between December 23 and January 5, you would enter these two datesin the Planned activity date fields
                                          • Disc./Recon. Data

                                          • Allows you to specify other disconnection or reconnection criteria oforders you wish to monitor; criteria includes:
                                            Disconnection document number
                                            Disconnection reason
                                            Disconnection document status
                                            Order status
                                            • Reference Objects

                                            • Allows you to specify the reference object to which the order isassociated.
                                              When you create a new disconnection or reconnection order, you arerequired to specify a reference object to which it will be associated.For example, if you wish to disconnect all the devices of a singleinstallation, you can associate the disconnection order with theinstallation, instead of each individual device.
                                              In this screen, if you search for the disconnection order usingreference objects as search criteria, the order will only be selected ifyou provide the correct reference object information. In the exampleabove, the order will only be found if you specify the installation; itwill not be found if you specify one of the corresponding devices (eventhough they are part of the installation).
                                              You have an installation, AB, which is associated with devices ABC, DEFand GHI.
                                              You create a disconnection order and associate it with the installation.In this case, devices ABC, DEF and GHI will all be disconnected.
                                              You run this report to monitor the disconnection orders.
                                              Scenario 1
                                              In the selection screen, you specify ABC, DEF, and GHI in the Device
                                              Result: The system does not locate the order.
                                              Scenario 2
                                              In the selection screen, you specify AB in the Installationfield.
                                              Result: The system locates the order and displays the monitoring data.
                                              If you choose to exclude a reference object from the selection process,the orders associated with the non-excluded reference objects will beselected (expected behavior). However, the system will continue toignore the other reference object types.
                                              You have orders associated with the Premise, Installation and Devicereference
                                              Orders 1 to 10 are associated with premise A to J (one order for eachpremise)
                                              Orders 11 to 20 are associated with installation AA to JJ (one order foreach installation)
                                              Orders 21 to 30 are associated with device AAA to JJJ (one order foreach device)
                                              In the selection screen, on the Installation line, you specify!= EE (that is, not equal to EE) and you choose the
                                              Execute button.
                                              As a result, the monitoring report will display orders 11 to 14 andorders 16 to 20 - all of the orders that are associated withinstallations. All other orders, associated with other reference objectswill not be selected.
                                              • Regional Selection

                                              • Allows you to specify regional criteria. Choose the RegionalSelection button and specify the regional data associated with theorders you wish to select.
                                                Executing the report
                                                Once you have specified your selection criteria, choose the Execute
                                                button to run the report right away
                                                Saving your selection settings
                                                If required, you can save the specific selection settings you define inthis screen. Saved settings are called variants.
                                                To save your selection settings, choose the Save button, at thetop of the application window.
                                                Loading a saved variant
                                                To load a saved variant, choose the Get Variant button andspecify the variant whose settings you wish to load.