SAP Program REAINV07 - Create collective bill (mass creation)

Create Collective Bill


  • This report compiles the collective bill documents generated when
  • tenant contracts are invoiced in one collective bill print document.
    • It also supports other functions used in the invoicing of normal
    • accounts. Examples include account maintenance and interestcalculation.

      Create collective bill is the intermediary process betweenTenant contract invoicing and Collective bill print-out.The technical procedure for generation of a collective bill is outlinedbelow.
      During tenant contract invoicing (invoicing of consumption billing,budget billing request (statistical), creation of partial bill (debitentry procedure)), a collective bill is created. A collective bill is astatistical reference document in the collective bill account. It has aclearing restriction and is blocked against payment or clearingadjustments.
      Unlike billing document invoicing, this type of invoicing generates aninvoicing order instead of a print index.
      You can start the process periodically, and adjust the selectioncriteria to start it by due date, for example. This process selects allinvoicing orders which were generated during tenant contract invoicing.
      All bills with the same due date, which belong to one collective billaccount are invoiced in one invoicing unit.
      The clearing restrictions set during invoicing of tenant contracts arereversed.
      The main functions in billing document invoicing are supported, such asaccount maintenance.
      The print program generates a collective bill print document andcorresponding print index.

      Standard settings apply for billing document invoicing.
      If you choose creation reason Print collective bill, you musthave specified a number range for the print document. In the menu,choose Invoicing -> Invoice Processing -> Define Document Types forPrint Documents.
      The process Create collective bill uses settlement type R4Z bydefault. If you want to integrate extra functions, such as accountmaintenance or selection of sub-items for bill display, then you mustestablish settings in Customizing for the corresponding settlementtype.

      Special features
      All bills with the same due date, which belong to one collective billaccount are invoiced in one invoicing unit. This process does notdistinguish between collective bills of different origin. This meansthat a collective bill print document can contain both the collectivebills from invoicing for the consumption billing of tenant contractsand the collective bills from debit entry procedures or collectivebudget billing requests.
      No new due date is determined. The print document inherits the due dateof the original documents. The process must be started punctually tomaintain the payment deadline.
      Recommendation: If you only want to process correspondence for acollective bill account once a month, assign a payment condition to theaccount. This sets a fixed date each month as the required date ofpayment. Invoicing for all tenant contracts are then due on this date.If, for example, you want to change this cycle to every three weeks,you must adjust the selection criteria for the due date accordingly inthe process Create collective bill.
      Accounts receivable and payable documents are not necessarily generatedduring creation of a collective bill. These documents are onlygenerated if you integrate extra invoicing functions, such as accountmaintenance or interest calculation.
      You can reverse the collective bill using the same reversal functionfor normal invoicing documents. This function does not automaticallyreverse single tenant invoicing documents. After you have canceled thecollective bill, a new one can be created for the collective billaccount.