SAP Program REAEXTRAUTCORR - Backlog Reduction Engine ( BRE )

Backlog processor


General Logic
This report contains the logic for reducing the backlog set. It executesall extract-based solution paths that are specified inSOLPA and immediately tries to rebill correctedinstallations. If the solution paths are successfully executed, thebacklog entries are updated accordingly.
If the function terminates repeatedly, the errors are redistributed.
If new error categories occur, a separate log is generated, whichinforms you that new persons responsible must be defined.

Technical details
This report can also be started from transaction BREE "backlog reductionengine".

SAP recommends that you use all log options provided during theimplementation of the BRE since these support the analysis of incorrectprocessing.
Once the BRE tool runs without any problems and you do not need to startany new solution paths, you can deactivate the options to improveperformance.

The SLG1 application log for BRE runs uses the object IUBRE instead ofIU00.
