SAP Program RDOCFINDER - Full Text Search for Short and Long Texts

This report scans the short texts and long texts of the selectedrepository objects for the specified character string.


The report searches for and displays only the first instance of thecharacter string in the text. The report does not expand any includes inlong texts, which enables you to search for a text included in othertexts. You can jump directly to almost all objects from the resultslist. Caution: The options available for the report may be restricteddue to system settings.


Group Box Selection Options
We recommend that you restrict the set of repository options scanned byentering application components or packages.

  • Application component

  • The system accepts '*' as a wildcard.
    • Package

    • The system accepts '*' as a wildcard.
      The system excludes local packages from your selection by default.
      • Find

      • The system accepts '*' as a wildcard. You do not need to use a wildcardat the start or end of a character string. The system always searchesfor the specified string as part of the text.
        • Case-Sensitive

        • If you set this flag, the system searches for the character string asentered. If you do not set this flag, the search is not case-sensitive.

          Group Box Find in Objects
          We recommend that you restrict the set of repository options scanned byentering application components or packages.

          • Application component

          • The system accepts '*' as a wildcard.
            • Package

            • The system accepts '*' as a wildcard.
              The system excludes local packages from your selection by default.
              • Find

              • The system accepts '*' as a wildcard. You do not need to use a wildcardat the start or end of a character string. The system always searchesfor the specified string as part of the text.
                • Case-Sensitive

                • If you set this flag, the system searches for the character string asentered. If you do not set this flag, the search is not case-sensitive.

                  Group Box Find in Objects
                  Use the following checkboxes to make your selection of objects:

                  • DDIC objects

                  • Domains
                    Data elements
                    Tables and structures
                    Table types
                    Search helps
                    Lock objects
                    • Message classes

                    • Message classes
                      • IMG objects

                      • IMG structures
                        IMG activities
                        IMG maintenance objects
                        IMG attributes
                        IMG documents
                        • General texts

                        • Release Notes

                        • Programs/Screens

                        • Function Builder/Screens

                        • Function groups and screens
                          Function modules
                          • Business Engineering

                          • Data models
                            Entity types
                            • Area menus

                            • Class libraries

                            • Classes
                              • Enhancements/Implementations

                              • Classic BAdIs with implementations
                                • SAP enhancements

                                • Authorization objects/profiles

                                • Dialog texts

                                • Transactions

                                • Migration texts

                                • SAPscript forms

                                • Dialog modules

                                • Syslog messages

                                • SET/GET parameters

                                • Test objects

                                • CATT test cases
                                  eCATT test scripts
                                  eCATT test configurations
                                  eCATT test data
                                  eCATT system data
                                  eCATT validation objects
                                  • Logical databases

                                  • Syntax documentation

                                  • ABAP
                                    ABAP environment
                                    • Short dumps (package-independent)
                                    • Group Box Find in
                                      You use the following two checkboxes to specify which texts are scannedby the report:

                                      • Short Text

                                      • Labels, attributes, parameters etc.
                                        The system scans the active version only.
                                        Exception: For "Enhancements/Implementations", the newest version isscanned.
                                        • Long Text

                                        • Long texts and documentation.
                                          The system always scans the newest version.
                                          For more information about which object texts are scanned by the system,see the section "Activities".

                                          The result of the scan is a list, sorted by packages and documentationclasses (transaction SE61). Each new packages and each new documentationclass starts on a new page. On each page, the list is sorted by objectname.
                                          Choose an object name to jump directly to the object from the list.
                                          Exception: To go to an IMG structure, use one of two pushbuttons:
                                          '@0P@' - Display
                                          '@0Q@' - Change

                                          The system scans the following texts:

                                          • Domain

                                          • Short text
                                            - Short description
                                            - Short description of fixed values
                                            Long text
                                            - Documentation
                                            • Data element

                                            • Short text
                                              - Short description
                                              - Field labels
                                              Long text
                                              - Documentation
                                              - Supplement documentation
                                              • Structure

                                              • Short text
                                                - Short description
                                                - Short description of components
                                                Long text
                                                - Documentation
                                                • Database table

                                                • Short text
                                                  - Short description
                                                  - Short description of fields
                                                  - Short description of indexes
                                                  Long text
                                                  - Documentation
                                                  • Table type

                                                  • Short text
                                                    - Short description
                                                    • View

                                                    • Short text
                                                      - Short description
                                                      • Search help

                                                      • Short text
                                                        - Short description
                                                        • Message class

                                                        • Short text
                                                          - Short text
                                                          - Message short text
                                                          Long text
                                                          - Message long text
                                                          • IMG object

                                                          • Short text
                                                            - Explanatory text for IMG structure
                                                            - Name of IMG activity
                                                            - Name of IMG attribute
                                                            - Name of IMG maintenance object
                                                            Long text
                                                            - IMG document
                                                            • General text (long text)

                                                            • Release Note (long text)

                                                            • Program/Screens

                                                            • Short text
                                                              - Titles
                                                              - Selection texts
                                                              - Text symbols
                                                              - Screen titles
                                                              - Screen key word texts
                                                              Long text
                                                              - Documentation
                                                              • Function module

                                                              • Short text
                                                                - Short text
                                                                - Parameter short texts
                                                                - Exception short texts
                                                                Long text
                                                                - Function module documentation
                                                                - Parameter long texts
                                                                - Exception long texts
                                                                • Interface

                                                                • Short text
                                                                  - GUI title
                                                                  - GUI status
                                                                  - Menubar
                                                                  - Pushbutton setting
                                                                  - Function text
                                                                  - Function key text
                                                                  - Function key setting
                                                                  - Icon text
                                                                  - Icon quickinfo
                                                                  • Business Engineering

                                                                  • Short text
                                                                    - Short description of data model
                                                                    - Short description of entity type
                                                                    - Alias name of entity type
                                                                    - Short description of specialization types
                                                                    - Short description of relationships
                                                                    Long text
                                                                    - Hypertext of data model
                                                                    - Hypertext of entity type
                                                                    - Comment for entity type
                                                                    - Example of entity type
                                                                    - Long texts of relationships
                                                                    - Comments for relationships
                                                                    - Long text of specialization types
                                                                    • Area menu (short text)

                                                                    • Class/Interface

                                                                    • Short text
                                                                      - Description of class/interface
                                                                      - Description of attributes
                                                                      - Description of methods
                                                                      - Description of method parameters
                                                                      - Description of method exceptions
                                                                      - Description of events
                                                                      - Description of types
                                                                      Long text
                                                                      - Class/interface documentation
                                                                      - Attribute documentation
                                                                      - Method documentation
                                                                      - Event documentation
                                                                      - Type documentation
                                                                      • Classic BAdI/Implementation

                                                                      • Short text
                                                                        - Short text
                                                                        Long text
                                                                        - Documentation
                                                                        • SAP enhancement

                                                                        • Short text
                                                                          - Short text
                                                                          Long text
                                                                          - Documentation
                                                                          • Authorization objects

                                                                          • Short text
                                                                            - Text of authorization object
                                                                            - Text of authorization profile
                                                                            Long text
                                                                            - Documentation
                                                                            • Dialog texts (long text)

                                                                            • Transaction

                                                                            • Short text
                                                                              - Transaction text
                                                                              Short text
                                                                              - Transaction text
                                                                              • Migration text (long text)

                                                                              • SAPscript form

                                                                              • Long text
                                                                                - Text elements
                                                                                • Dialog module

                                                                                • Short text
                                                                                  - Parameter description for dialog module
                                                                                  Long text
                                                                                  - Documentation
                                                                                  • Syslog message

                                                                                  • Short text
                                                                                    - Short text
                                                                                    Long text
                                                                                    - Documentation
                                                                                    • SET/GET parameter

                                                                                    • Short text
                                                                                      - Short text for parameter ID
                                                                                      • CATT test case

                                                                                      • Short text
                                                                                        - Title
                                                                                        Long text
                                                                                        - Test case description
                                                                                        • eCATT test script

                                                                                        • Short text
                                                                                          - Title
                                                                                          - Parameter description
                                                                                          - Command interface description
                                                                                          Long text
                                                                                          - Documentation
                                                                                          • eCATT test configuration

                                                                                          • Short text
                                                                                            - Title
                                                                                            - Variant description
                                                                                            Long text
                                                                                            - Documentation
                                                                                            • eCATT test data

                                                                                            • Short text
                                                                                              - Title
                                                                                              - Parameter description
                                                                                              - Variant description
                                                                                              Long text
                                                                                              - Documentation
                                                                                              • eCATT system data

                                                                                              • Short text
                                                                                                - Title
                                                                                                - Parameter description
                                                                                                - Variant description
                                                                                                Long text
                                                                                                - Documentation
                                                                                                • eCATT system data

                                                                                                • Short text
                                                                                                  - Title
                                                                                                  - Target system description
                                                                                                  Long text
                                                                                                  - Documentation
                                                                                                  • eCATT validation object

                                                                                                  • Short text
                                                                                                    - Title
                                                                                                    Long text
                                                                                                    - Documentation
                                                                                                    • Logical database

                                                                                                    • Short text
                                                                                                      - Short text
                                                                                                      • Syntax documentation (long text)

                                                                                                      • Short dump (package-independent) (long text - in internal SAP system BIN
                                                                                                      • only)

1085326Security Note: Check for 'System -> Status' (SE80)