SAP Program RDISCALC - Calculation of Low-Level Codes

This report checks and corrects the low-level codes of all availablematerials and classes.
The low-level codes in SAP APO are not considered because they arenormally recalculated in SAP APO.

Different processing options are available on the selection screen:

  • Check existing low-level codes

  • In this mode, the existing low-level codes are checked for consistency.
    • Determine new low-level codes (test run)

    • In this mode, the low-level codes of all materials and classes aredetermined again from scratch. Since this is a test mode, the LLCs arenot updated in the database.
      • Determine new low-level codes

      • In this mode, the low-level codes are also updated in the database.
        The 'check mode' and 'determine mode' may return different results. Forexample, in a system where the low-level codes of all materials andclasses are consistent but too high, the check mode does not return anymaterials or classes as a result, whereas the determine mode returns allmaterials and classes.
        Include BOM items that are marked as recursive
        If this checkbox is not selected, the BOM items that are marked asrecursive (under Display Material BOM -> Item -> Basic Data,Recurs. allowed and Recursive checkboxes) are not takeninto account as BOM items.
        If the checkbox is selected, these items are included as regular items,therefore there will be more recursions in the result. As a consequence,no low-level code is determined for more materials and classes; thelow-level code of materials and classes that are in a recursion cannotbe determined.
        You can determine how detailed the log should be and if it should besaved to the database. You can also specify that you want to viewprevious logs.
        Logs are deleted using the standard transaction for application logs(transaction SLG2).
        Log screen
        The log screen has a navigation tree on the left and a message list onthe right.
        The navigation tree contains the following entries:
        • Inconsistent data (is only visible if inconsistent data was determined)

        • Messages are listed if some inconsistent data was determined during theanalysis.
          • Overview

          • A summary of the report run is listed (mode of execution, how manyrecursions were determined and so on)
            • Recursions (is only visible if recursions were determined)

            • All recursions that have been determined are listed.
              • Low-level codes

              • The following materials and classes are listed:
                The low-level code could not be determined (materials or classes thatare in a recursion)
                The low-level code is inconsistent (check mode)
                New low-level code was determined (determine mode)