SAP Program RDDTLCK2 - XPRA for TLOCK Conversion (R3TR DSYS, R3OB CHDO)

RDDTLCK2 is used to adjust the lock key table to the longer object namesin Release 4.6. You can execute this program as many times as you wantin an SAP system with longer object names.
If you execute the program in an SAP system where the longer objectnames for the object types R3TR DSYS or R3OB CHDO are not yetrecognized, an internal check prevents the program from starting.
When you upgrade an SAP system from a release prior to 4.6 to Release4.6 or later, then this adjustment report program has to run oncewithout errors. If the program is not run, or if it is run with errors,then you risk problems with lock management for the object typesmentioned above, and will not be able to coordinate development work.
For the object types mentioned above, you can include objects and theirsub-objects that are already locked in repairs or corrections, in otherrepairs or corrections. This prevents the original repairs orcorrections from being released.
To adjust the lock key table, the existing entries for the object typesR3TR DSYS or R3OB CHDO are split into the following groups. These groupsare handled differently from each other:

  • Lock key with old syntax (old object name lengths)

  • Lock key with new syntax (new name lengths; often appear when the report
  • is restarted)
    The lock key entries are handled as follows:
    • The transport objects are determined for lock keys with old syntax, and
    • then used to determine the lock keys with the new syntax.
      If the conversion is successful, the new lock keys are flagged forinsertion in the lock key table. The corresponding lock keys with theold syntax are flagged for deletion from the lock key table.
      Lock keys for transport objects that can no longer be locked are alsoflagged for deletion from the lock key table.
      • Any lock keys with new syntax that already exist remain unchanged.

      • After all entries in the original lock key table have been handled inthe same way, the flagged database actions are carried out:
        • Converted lock keys are copied to the lock key table.

        • The old lock key entries are deleted.
        • Precondition
          The SAP system must recognize the new name lengths of the transportobjects.
          The report checks these system requirements and prevents execution ifthey are not met.

          The output of the report is sent using the log interface, where you canexpand the display at different levels.