SAP Program RDDSTR01 - Import Monitor


SE07 - Transport system overview
Display options:

  • Overview of connected SAP systems

  • All SAP systems that are
    in the table TSYST
    in the transport queue
    in the tp profile
    are displayed.
    • Profiles of the transport server (R3TRANS) tp

    • There are cross-system and system-specific settings. System-specificsettings overwrite general settings in a particular system.
      • Upgrades - TMS actions - syslog

      • The report displays 3 levels of detail in the transport system log:
        simple display of messages, excluding some of the redundant messages
        display of executed transport steps with status
        display of upgrade steps in their proper order, including steps thatstill have to be executed.
        The time taken is highlighted, when it is longer than 20 minutes.
        Every upgrade, upgrade step with entries in the ALLLOG and thecorresponding step in the step list, is supplemented by return codestatistics.
        When severe errors occur, the field with the total number isrepresented inversely.
        The status can have the following values:
        'blank' - transport errors (ALLLOG) > 8 occurred
        OK - no transport errors > 8 determined
        cancelled - upgrade terminated (PANIC situation noted in syslog)
        not completed - still running or lost
        The last display is problematical because steps can be repeated at anytime and as a result unexpected steps are included in the display. Whenthe end of the upgrade is determined, then the corresponding queue isdisplayed - see Transport Queues.
        • Transport queues

        • The report displays the number of transport requests in the queue ofevery system. It also shows how many transport requests are containedin particular object classes.
          In addition, the number of objects is displayed. Transport requests aredivided into 3 categories:
          queued (waiting)
          in process
          A record of return code statistics is kept for completed transportrequests.
          In addition, the amount of data to be transported can be determined.This is deleted during a refresh and can only be determined again bypressing the key Dataset.
          A complete overview of all systems can be accessed with System list
          In contrast to the previous screen, the system list is rotated by 90degrees. The lines appear as columns and vice versa.
          From each of these screens, you can display the transport request queuedirectly. The return codes are represented inversely, so that they canbe seen more easily.
          After the display described first, the current queue is always shown,whereas after the display described second, all the selected queues areshown.
          When the amount of data has been determined, it becomes apparentwhether data files exist and how big they are.
          • Graphic representation of changes in the queue.

          • This display is not implemented yet. At a later stage, when lesschanges are made to the transport system, it will be updated.
            • Control files of exports/imports in process

            • Transport background processes running

            • Upgrade analysis of all transport requests in a system

            • Locks between transport system and data storage

            • Possible settings:
              • In the overview for all systems, you can select those systems which are
              • of interest to you for displaying information.
                • After navigating through the transport actions, you can change the time
                • period for the display of transport actions, syslog and so on.
                  • The transport system directory is read from the database. If you need
                  • to change this, you can set a new directory in the initial screen andsystem overview. During this process, the directory is tested roughly.

                    All prerequisites that enable the transport system to run.