SAP Program ACAC_DATA_TRANSFER_EXAMPLE - Example: Transfer of Vendor Invoices to Accrual Engine

trados = docu -> fi -> figl

You can use this program to transfer data from other applications to theAccrual Engine.

You have defined automatic data transfer inCustomizing for manual accruals. Seethe corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide.

Data is selected and transferred to the Accrual Engine.

The selection options are composed as follows:

  • General selections

  • The selection options you enter here select the data to be transferredto the Accrual Engine.
    • Accrual parameters In the examples of selection methods delivered by SAP

    • , the specification of accrual parameters is optional:
      If no accrual method is specified, the system uses the method 'LINEAR'.
      If you do not enter an accrual period, the vendor invoice is accruedfrom the posting date to the end of the calendar year.
      • Posting parameters

      • The posting parameters are relevant if theCustomizing for accrual types in theAccrual Engine is configured such that opening postings are carried outduring the data transfer.
        See also the F1 help for these parameters.
        In the selection method VEND_INV_2 delivered by SAP, the posting date ofthe vendor invoice is used as the key date for the opening posting.
        • Control parameters

        • See the explanations for the selectionmethods
          The application menu contains the functions
          • Extras -> Expert Mode

          • You can use this function to display additional input parameters.
            These additional parameters enable you, for example, to delete data inthe Accrual Engine. This may be necessary if, for example, too much datahas been transferred to the Accrual Engine by mistake. See the fieldhelp.
            • Environment -> Settings

            • You use this function to make the Customizing settings for the datatransfer program.

              The accrual items transferred are displayed.
              If you carry out an update run, you can double-click on an item in theresults list to display the accrual object created in the AccrualEngine.