SAP Program ABAP_TOOLS_KW_LINK - Find Reference in KW from ABAP Program via Function Module

With this program you can search for, or create, references to theKnowledge Warehouse that can be used for calls via a function mod

Call the SAP Library help that you want in the browser.
Execute program.
Copy LOIO and SLOIO from the address line of the brower to thecorresponding fields on the selection screen. The structure class andtopic class fields are prefilled by default with the documentation classfor structures and topics which were not written in the XML environment(IWB_STRUCT and IWB_EXTHLP). XDP_STRUCT and BCO_COMMON can be used forlinks to structures and topics that are stored in XML format.
Specify a key text in the EXTENSION field that corresponds to the tool.
The program creates a reference or suggests using one that alreadyexists (recommended).
The reference can be tested, saved and transported on the result screen.A new link can also be deleted again. The syntax for the call of thefunction module is displayed.

A newly created help link should be transported from the same system asthe repository object to which it belongs. This ensures thefunctionality of the link in all following systems.