SAP Program RDDGT2TA - Offline Adjustment Between Local TADIR and GTADIR

This report adjusts the person responsible (AUTHOR) and, if necessary,the original system (SRCSYSTEM) of entries in the local TADIR to thevalues in the GTADIR.
Description of the parameters:

  • SRCSYSTEM controls which fields are copied from the GTADIR.

  • SRCSYSTEM = ' ': Only the AUTHOR field is copied.
    SCRSYSTEM = 'X': The fields AUTHOR and SRCSYSTEM are copied.
    • FULLDUMP refers to the number of objects.

    • FULLDUMP = ' ': Fields are only copied from the GTADIR tothe local TADIR for objects that arenon-original objects in the local TADIR.
      FULLDUMP = 'X': The above attributes are copied from theGTADIR for all entries in the local TADIR.