SAP Program RCVBI005 - Generate Test File for Document Batch Input

You can use this report to generate a test file for batch input ofdocument info records. You can use this test file as input for theactual transfer program RCVBI010. The program extracts existingdocument info records, together with relevant data such aslanguage-dependent descriptions, object links, and classification data,from the system. This data is written to a sequential data file. Thedocument number is given a five-character prefix, so that the documentinfo records in the file can be created again afterwards.
When you start the program, you must enter the following selectionparameters:

  • File name: here, you enter the complete path under which you want to
  • create the test file. The test file is created on the applicationserver which you are logged onto.
    • Number of selected documents: here, you enter the number of document
    • info records you want extracted from the system and written to the testfile.
      • Number of documents per session: here, you enter the number of document
      • info records after which you want a new session header generated.
        • Document type: restricts selection of documents to a document type.

        • Generic document number: here, you enter the starting point for
        • selection of existing document info records in the system. You can usethe masking character "+" for any single character and "*" for anycharacter string.
          • Document number modifier: here, you enter the five-character prefix you
          • want to add to the selected document numbers. You cannot use onlyfigures in this character string. Any blank characters you enter areautomatically converted to "_". Selected document numbers which haveless than twenty characters are shifted five characters to the rightand given the prefix you enter here.

            You can only run this program if document info records of the documenttype you enter exist in the system.
            You must define a logical name for the sequential file in thecustomizing functions. This logical name is the reference to thephysical name. You can maintain the logical name when you start thereport, by calling online help (F1) on the Logicalfile name field.

            The contents of the test sequential data file is output as a list.

            If you start the program with the following parameters:


            • Number of selected documents: 25

            • Number of documents per session: 10

            • Document type: DRW

            • Generic document number: DOC_*

            • Document number modifier: MOD

            • A maximum of 25 document info records starting with DOC_ are selectedand written to the test file entered.
              After every ten document info records, a new session header isinserted.
              All selected document numbers are given the prefix MOD__. For example,DOC_01 is converted to MOD__DOC_01.
              Document numbers which are longer than twenty bytes have their firstfive characters overwritten with the prefix.