SAP Program RCSARCH1 - Archiving Program for BOMs

Reorganization of BOMs

With this program, you archiveBOMs, in order to thenremove them from the database, if required.

The accompanying change documents, long texts and classification dataare archived with the BOM data.

Ths system does not archive any local objectdependencies. If an item is assigned global object dependencies, thesystem only archives the assignment.

In the archiving variants, you select which BOMs should be archived andspecify settings for the archiving run and if required, the deletionrun. the BOM archiving options are subdivided in the following blocks:

  • Control parameters

  • Here, you set up in which way the archiving and deletion run arecarried out. You choose between the following options:
    Log only, no archive
    Archiving without direct deletion
    Archiving with direct deletion
    • Selection type

    • Here you define the criteria by which the BOMs should be archived. Youchoose between the following options:
      Selection by deletion indicator
      Selection by date validity
      • BOM categories to be archived

      • Here, you enter the BOM categories that need to be reorganized. Thesystem only archives the BOM categories that you specify here.
        • Additional restrictions for BOMs to be archived

        • Here you can further restrict the selection when entering single valuesor intervals for the following data:
          BOM number
          BOM usage
          Alternative BOM

          At the end of the archiving run, the system generates a Spool-List,which documents the archiving run. At the start of the list there is aninformation summary of the number of archived database entries.
          At the end, the individual archived database entries of all thearchived alternative BOMs are displayed. Here you have to distinguishbetween the following entries:

912916STST entries missing after standard BOM is archived
300244ARCH : Improving the runtime