SAP Program RCF_DELETE_EXCLUDED_QUALIS - Deletion of Excluded Qualifications

You use the report RCF_DELETE_EXCLUDED_QUALIS to delete assignments ofqualifications to candidates or qualifications to requisitions (jobrequirements) if the assignments are no longer relevant.

In the Implementation Guide (IMG) for SAP E-Recruiting, you can use theIMG activity Restrict View of QualificationsCatalog to restrict the view of the qualification catalog forRecruitment or Succession Planning.
If you remove one or more qualifications from this view at a later date,the assignments already created (assigning the qualifications that areno longer relevant to candidates or requisitions) continue to exist.However, the system recognizes that these qualifications are no longercontained in the view of the qualifications catalog and stops displayingthese qualifications on the user interface. But the data remains in thedatabase.
You use this report to delete irreversibly from the database theassignments that are no longer required.
Note that in the case of ALE distribution of qualifications from the HRsystem, all qualifications are written to the candidate profile,including those that do not correspond to the restricted view. In thiscase, it is not advisable to run the report. The report is usedprimarily to clean up data in a standalone system without datadistribution from the HR system.

If you select the Test Run parameter, you can obtain an overviewwithout deleting any data. This overview shows which qualifications areused and the objects to which they are linked,
To delete the assignments from the database, the Test Runparameter must be deselected.
Note that you may be deleting qualifications from candidate profilesthat candidates themselves entered.

The left hand side of the output table shows the object with which theaffected qualification is linked (object type NA or NB, object ID, andname).
The right hand side of the output table shows the qualifications thatare linked. Free text qualifications are indicated in the column with'X' and the object type 'QK'.