SAP Program ABAP_INTROSPECTOR_01 - Enterprise Introspector

The Enterprise Introspector enables detailed analysis of afootprint of any SAP executables projected onto a subject area.
An SAP executable can be: SAP dialog transaction, backgroundtransaction, Web service, Enterprise operation, Enterprise compositeservice, Enterprise core service, Web Dynpro application, workflow,Webflow, BSP application, XI message processing, PI message processing,ALE processing, BAPI, function module, method, extension, and so on.
The following sequential steps enable the delta analysis:
Define subject area and execute
Create introspection
Execute SAP transaction
Determine delta introspection
Step 4 displays the database delta of a transaction (= footprint of thetransaction) as a multidimensional cube.
Note: The introspection remains in the main memory. This means that inthe Enterprise Introspector, you can determine a delta introspection atvarious points in time to track the data development (footprint of atransaction) for the time dimension.
Other functions of the Enterprise Introspector are:

  • Display the metainformation for a subject area

  • Relationships in the metadata

  • Content display

  • Content maintenance

  • Value and context-based research

  • Archiving object overview

  • Tables as candidates for archiving

  • Business object overview (not yet implemented)

  • Package overview of persistency layer

  • Field overview of persistency layer

  • Documentation of persistency fields

  • Where-used list for persistency in the coding

  • Overview of executables

  • Delta determination (database content) between source system and current
  • system
    • Delta determination between two events

    • Upstream of a transaction (chronological display of read accesses to
    • database tables)
      • Downstream of a transaction (chronological display of change accesses to
      • database tables)
        • Undo database changes

        • Transport from S, C, E, G Customizing

        • Incremental enhancement of a subject area for database changes

        • Overview of use permission within the subject area

        • ABAP Supply Chain: Calculation of REUSE indicators for a subject area:
        • local REUSE, internal REUSE, external REUSE
          • Download and upload of subject areas

          • Snapshot comparison of subject areas

          • Delta reconciliation

          • Cross-system delta determination including reconciliation

          • Data distribution (particularly configuration data) within a system
          • landscape
            • Archiving (snapshots) of application and configuration data

            • Analysis of archived data

            • Creation of test systems with test data

            • Creation of test- and production systems with configuration data

            • Note: This product, as a demo version with restricted functions,is the result of research and not part of the SAP license. Nomaintenance is provided for this product in the context of the SAPlicense agreement. A total liability disclaimer applies: Neither SAP northe author guarantee the relevance, correctness, completeness, orquality of the services provided by this product. Liability claimsagainst the author that refer to material damages caused by the use ornon-use of the services provided by this product in the SAP system areexcluded. The liability disclaimer particularly applies to potentialconsequential damages.
              All services provided in this product are subject to change and withoutobligation. The author reserves the right to change, enhance, or removeparts of this product or the complete product without notice, or endpublication temporarily or permanently.

              Jan Aalmink Walldorf, 10/06/2006