SAP Program /VSO/P_PICK_CTRL - Picking According to Vehicle Space Optimization

The 'Overview Packing proposals of Vehicle Space Optimization' providesan overview of the packing proposals of the Vehicle Space Optimizationfor exactly one shipment. This dialog is used to control the pickingfor the packing proposals of Vehicle Space Optimization by means of WMtransfer orders (TOs). The system can generate, display, print, andconfirm these TOs in this dialog.

You call the 'Overview Packing proposals of Vehicle Space Optimization'in the 'Display shipment' transaction.


Tree display
The system displays the packing proposals of Vehicle Space Optimizationin a tree structure. The nodes of the tree are the process categoriesof Vehicle Space Optimization with their subordinated packingproposals. You can expand or collapse both node levels. When you expanda process category, all pertaining packing proposals appear. When youexpand a packing proposal, the system shows all items of the packingproposal.
For each item of the packing proposal, at least one line appears todisplay the data of the corresponding delivery item. If exactly one WMtransfer order item (picking TO) is available for this item, its dataare shown in the same line. The system displays any further TO item ina separate line.
The structure of a line contains data relating to the packing proposal,the delivery item, and the TO item. Recurrent data are omitted in thedisplay, for example: The system does not display the data for thepacking proposal in the line of the delivery item, but only in thehigher-level line of the packing proposal. If more than one TO itembelongs to a packing proposal item, the system does not repeat thedisplay of the delivery item data from the second TO item onwards.

Standard display
On the initial screen of the dialog, the tree structure appears in itsstandard display where the highest level of the process categories isexpanded and the level of the packing proposals is collapsed. You cansimultaneously expand or collapse all nodes using the pushbutton. The'Standard display' function restores the standard display. The'Refresh' function updates all data shown. To do this, the systemrereads them in the database. In the process, the system maintains theexisting display of the tree.


Choosing lines
Two techniques are available for choosing lines: Flagging andselecting.
Flagging is only possible for expandable nodes and is accomplished byclicking precisely on the checkbox.
The technique of selecting can be applied to all lines. To do this, youclick on the folder symbol for expandable nodes or on the leaf symbolfor single lines.
The use of the lines chosen (by flagging or selecting) depends on theplanned function. In some functions, flagging several nodes ispermitted, in some other functions this is forbidden, and otherfunctions expect a selected line. Flagging more than one line is notpossible.
If you have flagged a process category, the corresponding packingproposals are also regarded as chosen, i.e. the system executes thefunction for all packing proposals of this process category.


Creating TOs
The 'Create TO' function is used to generate picking orders as WMtransfer orders (TOs) for the packing proposals of the selected area.You choose the packing proposals by flagging them. It is possible toflag more than one node and on both levels (process categories andpacking proposals).
The system creates the TOs automatically in background processing. Thesystem tries to generate a corresponding TO item for all items of thechosen packing proposals with an open quantity greater than zero. Inthe process, the system groups these items by deliveries and creates anindividual TO for each delivery. If a packing proposal contains severalitems (e.g. for different layers) of the same delivery item, the systemcreates a separate TO for each repeated recording of the same deliveryitem.
Example 1:
Packing proposal containing 5 items for 3 deliveries: The systemcreates 3 TOs.
Example 2:
Packing proposal containing 6 items for 2 deliveries, 3 items of thepacking proposal refer to the same delivery item: The system creates 4TOs, 2 TOs due to different deliveries, and 2 TOs because of therepeated occurrence of the same delivery item.
The 'Create TOs' function generates a temporary log that is onlyavailable during the execution of the current transaction. If the'Create TO' function is repeated in the course of the current function,only the log of the last run exists.

Log of the TO generation
You can use this function to display the log of the TO generation. Ifthe system has executed the 'Create TO' function during the currenttransaction, it shows the latest temporary log. If the system has notperformed this function, no temporary log is available, and it tries todisplay the log for the TO generation from the database. The systemcreates this log in the database when generating TOs in the VT11transaction.
You need not select any lines for this function.

Displaying TO
This function is used to display the WM transfer order of the linechosen.
You choose the lines by selecting a line that contains a WM transferorder.

Printing TO
This function is used to print the WM transfer orders of the selectedarea.
You can choose the lines by selecting a line or flagging nodes. Butsimultaneous flagging and selecting is not allowed.

Confirming TO
This function is used to confirm the WM transfer orders of the selectedarea.
You can choose the lines by selecting a line or flagging one packingproposal exactly. But simultaneous flagging and selecting as well asflagging several packing proposals or flagging a process category isnot permitted.
If you have selected a line, the system calls the 'Confirm Transferorder Line item' function for the TO item of this line. If you haveflagged a packing proposal, the system calls this 'Confirm TransferOrder' function for all TOs of this packing proposal which have notbeen completely confirmed yet.

Displaying delivery
This function is used to show the delivery of the line chosen.
You choose the lines by selecting a line that contains a delivery.

Displaying means of transportation
This function is used to display the data in a dialog window that referto the means of transportation of the selected line.
You choose the lines by selecting a line that contains a means oftransportation.

Log of HU creation
You can use this function to display the log of the HU creation. Thelog is available in the database if a HU has been created for thepacking proposals of Vehicle Space Optimization.