SAP Program RCCTUT01 - Update Overwritten Values from Global Characteristic

This report allows you to make mass changes to overwrittencharacteristic values. The report shows you all classes in which theallowed values of a characteristic have been overwritten. You can thengo into the classes where the characteristic has been overwritten todelete allowed values of the global characteristic, or to include newallowed values of the global characteristic that have not been updatedin the class due to overwrite.
To make mass changes, proceed as follows:

  • On the selection screen, enter the characteristic whose value set you
  • want to change in classes.
    • You see a list of the allowed values of the global characteristic. This
    • list does not include class-specific values.
      You can only use this report to insert new allowed values of the globalcharacteristic in classes or to delete allowed values from classes. Ifyou want to delete an allowed value from both the global characteristicand the overwritten characteristics, first use this report to deletethe value in classes where the values have been overwritten, thendelete the value from the global characteristic.
      • Select the values you want to include in your mass change.

      • If you want to delete values from classes, choose Values ->Delete. To insert new values, choose Values -> Insert.
        • On the next screen, you see the classes in which the characteristic has
        • been overwritten. The classes that have been processed usingengineering change management are not shown. Select the classes youwant to maintain and start the mass change.
          • The changes are made in the classes you selected.

          • This function also includes any long texts and object dependencies forthe values.
            If you try to insert a value in a class that already contains thevalue, any descriptions of the value in other languages are copied tothe class.


            • You cannot use this function to maintain classes that have been
            • processed using engineering change management.
              • You cannot delete values that have been assigned in a classification
              • function.
                • You cannot delete interval values in numeric characteristics.

                • The classes you want to maintain must not be locked by another
                • maintenance activity.

                  The report lists all changes made in a log.