Description This program generates batch input for creating characteristics. Entry parameters: File name Generate session indicator File name The file name represents the path to the external data which is to beprocessed via batch input. The file must have the following structure:
- Session header record (structure BGR00)
- Characteristic record with record type "1" (structure BIMST)
- Allowed values with record type "2" (structure BIMZW)
A new session header must be entered for each session. If severalcharacteristics are to be processed, you need to include several groups(characteristic, allowed values, characteristic, allowed values).Generate session indicator If this indicator is not set, the characteristic is created immediatelywith CALL TRANSACTION USING. Otherwise, one or more sessions arecreated, which you can then process either online or in batch mode. Obligatory data To create a characteristic via batch input, the following data isrequired: characteristic name, description, characteristic format,number of characters (structure BIMST). The following screens cannot yet be transferred by batch input: Descriptions Output The system produces an error log. Example Create batch input dataset for a session with two characteristics, eachof which has one allowed value.
- Open dataset
- Enter session header data in BGR00 structure
- Fill out characteristic data BIMST with record type "1", transaction,
and the data of the external system. TRANSFER...
- Fill out the allowed values BIMZW with record type "2" and the data of
the external system. TRANSFER...
- Enter characteristic data BIMST with record type "1", transaction, and
the data of the external system. TRANSFER...
- Fill out allowed values BIMZW with record type "2" and the data of the
external system. TRANSFER...
- Close dataset
CLOSE DATASET DS_NAME. A new session is created for each BGR00 record. The name of the dataset(DS_NAME) is required later during batch input. The sessions aregenerated from the datasets in the sequential files.