SAP Program RCCSEC_MIGRATION_070 - HCM Infotype 0105 Credit Card Encryption Data Conversion

Run this report to execute a data conversion for data records of thesubtype 0011 ("Credit card number(s)") of the infotype0105 ("Communication") once the functions for credit cardencryption have been activated successfully.
The report performs the encryption or decryption of existingemployee or applicant master data.
A prerequisite for this is that the credit card company (CCOMP)is defined in the maintenance view V_T706_CCOMP and is assigned to apayment card type via the Payment Card Type field (CCINS). Thepayment card types can be maintained using the maintenance viewV_TB033_SEC.

For more information, see SAP Note 1059333.

1140064Missing documentation for report RCCSEC_MIGRATION_070
1059333Secure handling of credit card data in SAP ERP HCM.