SAP Program RCCLRELE - Mass Release for a Class Type/Class

This report program finds all the assignments that are not yet releasedin the Class type (required entry) and Class (optionalentry) that you enter.
The Display invalid entries indicator is relevant if assignmentshave been processed with engineering change management. This indicatorlets you find all versions of assignments that are not valid with theselection parameters you enter (change number and date).
You can then see which other change numbers were used to process anassignment and why releasing the assignment may not work in a specificenvironment.
You can only release individual assignments in the environment definedby the change number and date:

  • Selection date (without change number)

  • You see all assignments that are not released on this date and have notbeen processed with a change number. You can release these assignments.
    • Selection date (without change number) and Display invalid entries

    • indicator.
      You see all assignments that are not released on this date and have notbeen processed with a change number. You can release these assignments.
      You also see all assignments that are not released and have beenprocessed with change numbers that have a valid-from date before or onthe selection date you entered.
      You also see all assignments that are not released and have beenprocessed with change numbers that have parameter effectivity.
      You cannot change the assignments that have been processed withengineering change management.
      • Change number with valid-from date

      • You see all assignments that have been processed with this changenumber or without a change number. You can release these assignmentswith the change number you entered.
        If the Display invalid entries indicator is set, you also seeversions of assignments from before the selection date and assignmentswith a deletion indicator. You cannot change these assignments.
        • Change number with parameter effectivity and date

        • You see all assignments that:
          Have been processed with this change number
          Have been processed with several change numbers that have the sameeffectivity type and a lower priority than the change number youentered
          Have been processed with a change number that has a valid-from date,provided that the valid-from date is before the selection date youentered
          Have not yet been processed with a change number
          You can change these assignments with the change number you entered(which has parameter effectivity).
          If the Display invalid entries indicator is set, you see allversions that:
          Are only valid before the selection date
          Have been processed with change numbers that have the same effectivitytype and a lower priority than the change number you entered
          Have a deletion indicator
          You cannot change these assignments.
          If this report program cannot release assignments for any reason - forexample, because not all required characteristics have values - theassignments that cannot be deleted are highlighted in color on screenand appear in error messages. You can then process these assignmentsmanually.
          You can also start this program in batch mode. Any messages arecollected in a log, which you can display with transaction SLG1.
          The assignments are changed in accordance with the information in theassignment table: if a change number is entered, this change number isused to release the assignments.

385290RCCLRELE: Mass release for all class types