SAP Program RCBUI002 - EHS: Conversion Program for Value Assignment and Assignment Tables


To be able to use the substance database, you must execute this reportafter the Put to 3.0F:
For all releases for the delivery of the EHS substance database (3.0Dto 3.0E), the RECN field from the ESTVA table is specified as key forthe class category 100 or object ESTVA. This entry is found in theClassification Guide Customizing. This entry ensures that theClassification object is identical to the ESTVA-RECN field.
Because engineering change management is introduced at object level forRelease 3.0F, the key for object ESTVA is also changed inClassification Customizing. As of Release 3.0F, this is composed of theRECN and ACTN fields from the ESTVA table, and constructs the object tobe classified in RECN and ACTN. You find the object number in tablesAUSP and KSSK. As ACTN is a NUMC field, zeros must be added to theobject numbers in ACTN length (20 spaces).

How the report works
This report first processes the AUSP and then the KSSK. A temporarytable with AUSP or KSSK structure is created in the database for thispurpose. Then all records of class category 100 are read from theoriginal table in blocks of 5,000 records, the data is converted andentered in the temporary table. The original records are deleted fromthe original table. If no further data is found in the original table,the contents of the temporary table are re-entered in the originaltable. This procedure is used for AUSP and KSSK in every system client.
Finally, the system checks if records of class category 100 in theoriginal table correspond to those in the temporary table. If so, thetemporary tables are deleted from the database.

This report must run in the background. If not, it could terminate dueto excessive run time. While the report is running, substance databasetransactions (CG*) must be locked. If this function is called from therelease note, all substance database transactions (CG*) apart fromtransaction CGB8 must be locked. The last transaction cannot be locked,because it triggers the conversion. If conversion is carried outsuccessfully, the report should not be executed again.

The user who started the transaction receives a job log.
This should be checked for the following entries:
MsgId message
00516 job was started
00550 step 001 started (program RCBUI002, variant , user name)
C$793 creation of temporary table AUSP01 in the database
C$137 conversion of database table AUSP
C$792 conversion of table: AUSP client: 003 on: 18.09.1996 at: ...
The following two lines may appear several times.
Instead of , the number of converted records is output.
C$796 data records in temporary table AUSP01 client were...
C$796 data records in database table AUSP client were...
C$793 creation of temporary table KSSK01 in the database
C$137 conversion of database table KSSK
C$792 conversion of table: KSSK client: 003 on: 18.09.1996 at: ...
The following two lines may appear several times.
Instead of , the number of converted records is output.
C$796 data records in temporary table KSSK01 client were...
C$796 data records in database table KSSK client were...
C$137 conversion of database table AUSP is checked
C$137 database table AUSP was converted successfully
C$793 deletion of temporary table AUSP01 in the database
C$137 conversion of database table KSSK is checked
C$137 database table KSSK was converted successfully
C$793 deletion of temporary table KSSK01 in the database
00517 job was terminated

For the conversion, two temporary tables are created in the database.
The names of the temporary tables are generated. The structure of thenames is as follows: AUSP<2-digit number> and KSSK<2 digit number>.
Example for table names: AUSP01 and KSSK01
The contents of the OBJEK field in the AUSP and KSSK tables areconverted. Up to now, the contents corresponded to the 20-space RECNfield in the ESTVA table. In future, the OBJEK field will be composedof the RECN and ACTN fields (20 spaces).
OBJEK from tables AUSP and KSSK before conversion:
| |
OBJEK from tables AUSP and KSSK after conversion:
| || |
| |